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Support Scholarships

To make a gift to LSU Law, click here to visit the LSU Foundation giving page, then click on the “Academics” button, and select “LSU Law” and the fund that you would like to contribute to.

If you have questions about making a gift, please contact Amy Pankey at 225.578.1520 or

To attract and retain a talented student body at the LSU Law Center, we must offer meaningful and nationally competitive scholarships. Every major law school in the country attracts top students through scholarships, and the LSU Law Center is a part of this very competitive environment.

By offering scholarships, the LSU Law Center can remain competitive among our peers, particularly in attracting highly qualified Louisiana applicants who are being pursued by other institutions.

In years past, LSU’s modest tuition afforded many students an opportunity to pursue and achieve their dream of becoming outstanding legal professionals.  Resident tuition has now increased to over $23,000 for first-year students.  With fees, room and board, personal costs and transportation, the cost of a legal education may exceed $47,500 per year.

The Law Center works diligently to attract outstanding students, and private scholarship funds are critical to our efforts to provide financial assistance to deserving students.

We hope you will consider making a gift to the Law Center’s Scholarship program.

Endowed Scholarships

  • A named, endowed scholarship may be established with a base level of $100,000 which may be paid over five years. 
  • The Louisiana Board of Regents has a competitive matching scholarship program (the Endowed Superior Graduate Scholarship Program). With a donor gift of $100,000, the Law Center may submit a competitive application for a $40,000 match should a donor wish to pursue this program match.

Annually Funded Scholarships

An annual gift of any amount is welcomed and will add vital resources to the LSU Law General Scholarship Fund.

Non-endowed scholarships are another way to support students, and  the Law Center encourages law firms, businesses and individuals to consider creating a named annual scholarship fund. Non-endowed named  scholarships are a great way for a law firm, business or individual to support students, and to receive recognition for doing so!

  • A new named annual scholarship requires a minimum pledge of $4,000 per year for five years or more (totaling $20,000). The fund will be named with award criteria at the discretion of the Dean and the Scholarship Committee.

Scholarship Donor and Student Recipient Reception

Each spring, donors of our named endowed and named annual scholarships are invited to attend a reception to “meet your student.”  This annual event is a highlight of the year, where students and their benefactors are able to meet and connect with one another.

We are grateful to all of our endowed and annual scholarship donors!