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Consumer Information (ABA Required Disclosures)

The American Bar Association requires that law schools disclose consumer information on their websites. This page provides links to this information.

ABA Standard 509 Information Report

Employment Outcomes

Bar Passage Data


Admissions Data

Tuition and Fees, Living Costs, and Financial Aid

Enrollment Data, including Academic, Transfer and Other Attrition

Number of Full-time and Part-time Faculty, Professional Librarians and Administrators

Class Sizes for First Year and Upper Class Courses; Number of Seminar, Clinical and Co-Curricular Offerings

Refund Policies

A student who receives financial aid and subsequently resigns from the University, may be required to return all or part of the funds received to the financial aid program. These funds are returned to the programs in the following order: Federal Family Education Loans, Federal Perkins Loans, and scholarships. Refund of tuition, nonresident fee, and/or mandatory fees for students will be made on the following basis upon official withdrawal of the student. “Days of classes” are days on which regular classes are scheduled before classes begin,100 percent; during the first 6 days of classes (first three days in summer semester),90 percent; from day 7 through day 24 of classes (day 4 through day 12 in summer semester), 50 percent; from day 25 of classes (day 13 in summer semester) to the end of the semester, none. Refund schedules are established each semester by the Office of Admissions and Student Records and may be obtained from that office. Information regarding refunds for the Summer in France Program is available in the Office of Admissions and Student Records.

Please note: 1. Reductions and increases of fees resulting from student schedule changes will be refunded or charged in accordance with the above schedule. 2. The $10 registration fee is not refundable. 3. No refunds for resignations will be processed for at least six weeks after registration. 4. No refunds will be made to anyone who owes the University. Student-initiated resignations will not be completed until all money owed to the University is paid. 5. All full-time students who become part-time students after the last day to receive refunds will continue to be eligible for all student activity privileges. 6. Students in good standing at the University, registered in any semester or summer semester, who volunteer for military service or who are called to active duty in the armed forces before the day midsemester examinations begin will have the University fee, nonresident fee, and Student Health Center fee refunded. Students in good standing at the University who volunteer for military service, or who are called to active duty in the armed services after midsemester examinations begin will be refunded 50 percent of the University fee, nonresident fee, and Student Health Center fee. Information pertaining to refund of room rent and board plan refunds can be obtained from the Department of Residential Life,100 Grace King Hall and Residence Food Services.

Curricular Offerings, Academic Calendar and Academic Requirements

Transfer of Credit

The LSU Law Center accepts transfer applications from students who have satisfactorily completed the first full year curriculum at a law school accredited by the American Bar Association. A maximum of 32 credits may be accepted for transfer. Credit only (not grades) are transferable. Students can earn the award of transfer credit only for courses in which they earned a grade equal to or better than a “C”, a 2.0, or the equivalent of a “C” or a 2.0. The Law Center reserves the right to refuse credit, in whole or in part, and to withdraw credit for previously completed courses. Transfer applicants must present statements from the dean of all law schools attended certifying that the applicant is in good standing and eligible for continued enrollment at that school.

  • LSU-Southern Co-op Program:

Full-time LSU law students may apply to participate in the LSU Southern Co-Op Program during the fall and spring semesters. Credit is given for approved courses in which a grade of “C” or better is earned. All credit is transferred on a pass/fail basis. Applications must be approved by the Associate Dean and forms are available in the Office of Admissions and Student Records. To complete registration at Southern University, students must present their approved application and a copy of the current semester’s paid fee bill to the Southern University Law School Registrar’s Office for processing.

  • Non-Matriculating Study at Another Law School:

Law Center students wishing to attend another law school on a nonmatriculating basis must meet the following requirements:

1. The other law school must be accredited by the American Bar Association.

2. Students must obtain the approval of the Associate Dean, by submitting an email to the Associate Dean, outlining the reason(s) for the request and attaching a copy of the academic program of the other school. Students on probation (overall average below 2.0) or watch group (semester average below 2.0) are not eligible.

3. Students may take no more than 15 credit hours per semester, nine credit hours per summer session, or 31 credit hours total at another law school. The course selection must be previously approved by the Associate Dean.

4. Students can earn the award of transfer credit in a non-matriculating status only for courses in which they earned a grade equal to or better than a “C”, a 2.0, or the equivalent of a “C”.

5. Students may appeal to the Executive Committee if the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs determines that the grade earned in such, non-matriculating status was not sufficient to satisfy the “C” 2.0,or equivalent requirements.

6. No credit can be awarded based on a “pass/fail” grade earned in a non-matriculating status if the course could have been taken on a graded basis. Otherwise, credit for a “pass” can be earned in a non-matriculating status at another ABA approved law school.

7. An official transcript must be forwarded to the Law Center at the end of the program to receive credit.

8. Graduating seniors must register with the Law Center for their last semester as “Degree Only” (paying the diploma fee and any accounts receivable with the University) and must coordinate with the visited school to have all grades reported to the Office of Admissions and Student Records within the grade deadlines set forth by the Paul M. Hebert Law Center. Grades received after the deadline will delay graduation until the following semester. To graduate, a student must also complete the Law Center’s Trial Advocacy program and complete degree requirements within four calendar years. Students are not eligible for financial aid through the visiting school. LSU will only award aid if approved by the Director of the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Student Aid.