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Endowed Scholarships
- Conrad S. Adkins Memorial Scholarship
- The Erick Vincent Anderson Memorial Scholarship
- The George M. Armstrong, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
- Aubrey Bacon Memorial Award
- Kara Gael and William B. Baggett Endowed Scholarship
- John R. Fridge and Rose Pitre Bahlinger Scholarship
- Baker Donelson Endowed Scholarship
- Edgar F. Barnett Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Karen and Brian Blakemore Endowed Scholarship
- Blanchard, Walker, O'Quin, and Roberts Scholarship
- Zach and Cynthia Blanchard Scholarship for the Study of Law
- Justice Fred A. Blanche Memorial Scholarship
- Sidney M. and Carol Anne Blitzer Scholarship
- Board of Supervisors Scholarship
- Jane Bode Scholarship
- Lisa and Mark Boudreaux Energy Law Internship/Field placement Endowed Fund
- Thelma L. Bougere Endowed Scholarship
- Judge & Mrs. Eugene W. Bryson, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
- Judge J. Jay Caraway Endowed Scholarship
- John D. Caruthers, Jr. Scholarship
- Judge Remy Chiasson Memorial Scholarship
- Class of 1967 Endowed Scholarship
- Class of 1978 Endowed Scholarship
- William Hibbler Cook, Jr. Scholarship
- Sidney E. Cook Scholarship
- Cox, Cox, Filo, Camel and Wilson Endowed Scholarship
- Louis Curet Scholarship in Comparative Law
- Sam J. D'Amico Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Howard and Mae Richard Daigle Scholarship
- Susan D. Davis Scholarship
- Adam Tabary Dows Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Jean Ericson Memorial Scholarship
- Gene Fendler Memorial Scholarship
- Henry D. and Rita L. Felder Scholarship
- Ed Fleshman Memorial Scholarship
- Judges W. Ross and Elizabeth Erny Foote Scholarship
- Brett and Renee Furr Endowed Scholarship
- Lee Andrew Gallaspy Memorial Scholarship
- Jack R. Gamble, Jr. Land and Mineral Rights Scholarship
- Brace B. Godfrey, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
- Katherine and Camille Gravel Scholarship
- Reid Eskridge Grigsby Sigma Chi Law Scholarship
- Susan A. Halsey Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Rosemary Neal Hawkland Scholarship
- Gene Hearn Memorial Scholarship
- William Craig Henry Class of 1973 Scholarship
- David L. and Bertha B. Herman Award Professional Responsibility Award
- David L. Herman Civil Law Property Award
- Harry A. Johnson Memorial Scholarship
- J. Bennett Johnston Energy Law Endowment
- Robert T. Jorden Scholarship
- Patrick A. Juneau Endowed Scholarship
- Professor Susan Kalinka Memorial Endowed Scholarship/LLM Tax Award
- William David Kiesel Endowed Scholarship
- E. Kay Kirkpatrick Endowed Superior Graduate Scholarship in Public Law
- L'Ecrevisse Scholarship
- Professor Howard W. and Jean Ann L'Enfant Scholarship
- C. E. LaBorde, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
- John P. Laborde Endowed Scholarship
- Gene W. Lafitte Endowed Scholarship
- Jules F. Landry Memorial Scholarship
- Judge Paul B. Landry Scholarships
- John T. Laycock Memorial Scholarship
- Thomas W. Leigh Annual Memorial Scholarship
- Austin W. Lewis Scholarship
- Russell B. Long/Long Law Firm Scholarship
- Ryan LoProto Memorial Scholarship Fund
- LSU Law Student Bar Association Endowed Scholarship
- Frank L. Maraist Scholarship
- Thomas C. McBride Endowed Scholarship
- McGlinchey Stafford Endowed Scholarship
- Henry George McMahon Memorial Scholarship
- Carey J. Messina Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- William M. Meyers Endowed Scholarship
- Ben R. Miller, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
- Ben R. Miller, Sr. Scholarship
- Thomas J. "T.J." Moran Endowed Superior Graduate Student Scholarship
- J. Michael Morrow Memorial Scholarship
- LaVerne Lewis Moss Scholarship
- The Hermann Moyse, Sr. Scholarship
- Craig and Meepsie Murray Endowed Scholarship
- Raleigh Newman Endowed Scholarship
- Ronnie Nye Memorial Scholarship
- William B. Owens Endowed Scholarship
- Rock and Kim Palermo Endowed Scholarship
- Marcia Thomas Pendleton Memorial Scholarship
- Pendley-Baudin Family Scholarship
- Lennie F. Perez Endowed Scholarship
- Mary Olive Pierson Endowed Scholarship
- Plaquemine Environmental Protection Scholarship
- Henry A. Politz Scholarship
- Robert R. and Melissa B. Rabalais Energy Law Endowment
- Jeff and Ashley Raborn Scholarship
- Robert K. and Elizabeth F. Reeves Endowed Scholarship
- Chris and Nancy Rials Endowed Scholarship
- River Parishes Claimants' 1988 Refinery Explosion Memorial Scholarship
- F. Neelis Roberts Endowed Energy Law Scholarship
- Professor David W. Robertson Endowed Superior Graduate Scholarship
- Judge Alvin B. Rubin Scholarship
- J.Y. Sanders, Jr. Scholarship
- James A. Shafranski Memorial Scholarship
- Shirley and Allen L. Smith, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
- A. J. Spedale Scholarship
- Keith Alan Stanley Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Professor Symeon Symeonides Endowed Superior Graduate Scholarship
- Talley, Anthony, Hughes & Knight, LLC Centennial Scholarship
- John Roger Tharp Endowed Scholarship
- Robert Lee Tullis Memorial Graduate Fellowship in Civil Law
- Robert Lee Tullis , Octavia Tullis and George C. Hergert Trust Scholarship
- Ralph E. Tyson Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Judge Earl Veron Scholarship
- Carolyn Brassett Walker Scholarship
- Kate Wallach Memorial Scholarship
- Judge France W. Watts III Superior Graduate Scholarship
- Richard D.Westbrook Memorial Scholarship
- Judge John Minor Wisdom Endowed Scholarship
- Edward J. Womac, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
- J. Lanier Yeates (Graduate Superior) Endowed Scholarship in Law
- Judge and Mrs. Henry Yelverton Scholarship
- A. N. Yiannopoulos Endowed Scholarships
Awards/Annual Scholarships
- Arnold & Itkin Trial Lawyers Advocacy Scholarship
- Baton Rouge Bar Foundation Scholarship
- Breazeale, Sachse, and Wilson Scholarship
- CALI Excellence for the Future Award
- The Dean's Council Tullis Moot Court Competition Award
- Delia Cobb Moot Court Award
- The Corporate and Business Law Excellence Annual Award
- John T. and Tracey Cox Scholarship
- Dean's Council Annual Scholarship
- Dudley DeBosier Annual Advocacy Program Award
- Gold, Weems, Bruser, Sues & Rundell Scholarship in Memory of Leo Gold
- W. Lee Hargrave Award
- Dean Paul M. Hebert Scholarship
- Houston Marine and Energy Insurance Conference
- Jackson Lewis LLP Scholarship
- Kean Miller Annual and Diversity Scholarships
- Liskow and Lewis Scholarship Fund Award
- Teanna W. Neskora Law Scholarship
- Phelps Dunbar Annual Scholarship
- Randy Piedrahita Memorial Scholarship
- Pugh Accardo Scholarship
- Professor David W. Robertson Scholarship
- Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Fountation Annual Scholarship
- Mary and Mark Schroeder Annual Scholarships
- Professor Symeon Symeonides Endowed Conflict of Laws Award
- Professor Symeon Symeonides Scholarship
- Taylor, Porter, Brooks & Phillips Annual Memorial Scholarship
- Sandra Varnado Scholarship
- Vinson and Elkins Annual Scholarship
- Vinson and Elkins Outstanding Law Review Casenote Award
- Walters, Thomas, Cullens LLC Annual Scholarship
- The United States District Court, Middle District of LA Judges Memorial Annual Scholarship Fund