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LSU Law News

April 2018

Students vote Michael Coenen as Professor of the Year for 2017-18

April 26, 2018

The LSU Law student body recently cast their votes to bestow the title of Professor of the Year for the 2017-18 Academic Year to Michael Coenen. This marks his second time receiving this honor. Besides an extensive knowledge of the subject matter he teaches, the students of the Law Center consider Coenen to be an engaging, encouraging, and thought-provoking professor. When asked why he/she voted for Coenen, one student responded, “Professor Coenen could not be more deserving of this award. He makes learning the law fun and entertaining, which is no easy feat. From his ridiculous hypotheticals to our wide-ranging…
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Rising 3L students named to executive board of the 2018-19 Board of Advocates

April 24, 2018

The following members of the Class of 2019 were elected to serve as the executive board of the 2018-2019 Board of Advocates on April 23: President: Sohil Sharedalal Vice-President of Internal Competitions: Mary Kathryn Gimber Director of Internal Appellate Advocacy Competitions: Brooke Delaune Director of Internal Trial Advocacy Competitions: Kaylyn Blosser Director of Internal Transactional & Alternative Dispute Resolution Competitions: Jordan Caruso Vice-President of External Competitions: Mary Elizabeth Ingram Director of External Appellate Advocacy Competitions: Raechel Richards Director of External Trial Advocacy Competitions: Aliyah Fowler Director of External Transactional & Alternative Dispute Resolution Competitions: Michael Kostruba Vice-President of Judicial Relations:…
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Rep. Steve Scalise to deliver 2018 LSU Law Commencement Address

April 24, 2018

Rep. Steve Scalise, U.S. House Majority Whip and the third ranking House Republican leader, will deliver the main address at the LSU Law Center’s 2018 Commencement ceremony, scheduled for Friday, June 1, at the Pete Maravich Assembly Center. “The LSU Law Center is honored to have Rep. Steve Scalise, United States House of Representatives Majority Whip and representative for Louisiana's 1st congressional district, as our 2018 Commencement speaker,” LSU Law dean Tom Galligan said. “We know, based on his experience at both the state and federal levels, that he will provide important perspectives and seasoned advice for our graduates as they…
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LSU Law students hone their mediation skills with collaborative simulation

April 20, 2018

LSU Law students have many opportunities to learn and practice professional lawyering skills. Our Clinics, Field placements, and Simulation Courses are all designed to prepare students for practice. On April 4, the Civil Mediation Clinic teamed up with both Legal Negotiations Simulation Course sections to conduct a mediation simulation of a serious personal injury case. Mediators Dakota Hawkins (3L) and Carson Garand (3L) assisted Plaintiff Attorney Sara Kuebel (3L) and her client Lenzi Hebert (3L) reach a settlement with Defense Attorney Stefan Neubig (3L) and Insurance Adjuster Jessica Thomas (3L). This exercise was a full-blown mediation conference with confidential Position…
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Hispanic Law Students Association announces newly elected officers

April 18, 2018

The LSU Law Hispanic Law Students Association recently announced its newly elected officers. President — Samantha Kennedy Vice President — Zack Gonzales Secretary/Treasurer — Pedro Cuervo Outreach Coordinator — Alyssa Rodriguez Congratulations to the newly elected HLSA board. LSU HLSA strives to promote professional development and networking opportunities to LSU Law students, and to encourage the participation of Hispanic law students in the legal community. The LSU Law chapter of the Hispanic Law Student Association was officially established on Sept. 9, 2015. For more information on HLSA, visit its website.
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Metro Council recognizes LSU Law Clinic's work with Flood Proof proclamation

April 17, 2018

The East Baton Rouge Metro Council recognized the Flood Proof project and the work of LSU Law Center’s Successions/Title Clearing Clinic with a declaration on March 28. “After the 2016 Historic Flood many citizens were displaced and left with minimal resources. Flood Proof has assisted hundreds of citizens with post flood title issues throughout (East Baton Rouge), Livingston, and Ascension Parish,” District 5 Councilwoman Erika Green said. Flood Proof was created in 2016 after historic flooding devastated the metro Baton Rouge area. A recurring challenge that communities face in the wake of natural disasters is that many homeowners—particularly low income…
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Public Interest Law Society announces new board members

April 17, 2018

The LSU Law Public Interest Law Society recently announced its latest board members. President - Emily Parish Pro Bono Chair- Victoria Heyer Community Service Chair- Catherine Pettus Education and Youth Outreach Chair- Conner Fuselier Fellowships & Career Opportunities Chair- Grace Jennings Secretary/Treasurer- Mary Grace Pollet IT & Publicity Chair- Samantha Kennedy Congratulations to the newly elected PILS board. For more information on PILS, visit its website.
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Jerry Dodson donates shipping memorabilia to pique LSU Law students’ interest in maritime law

April 16, 2018

Jerry Dodson’s collection of maritime memorabilia started in 1977 when the LSU Law graduate bought an antique ship wheel and compass in Greece and brought it to his Baton Rouge office. Forty years later, the collection has grown to paintings, a ship bell, ship figureheads, and a set of shipping passports signed by 18 of the first 19 United States Presidents. “Collecting these items has just been fun,” the Baton Rouge-based maritime lawyer said. But now, Dodson said, it’s time to pass these items on to the public. The 1966 grad is donating a maritime art collection to the LSU…
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Extended Library Hours

April 13, 2018

Beginning Monday, April 16 through Sunday, May 13, the Law Library will be open until midnight each night for the exam period. Check the Library Hours page for full details.  During the exam period, the Law Library will be open to only currently enrolled law students at both LSU and Southern after 5:00 p.m. including weekends. Law students must present valid identification. Best of luck students on your upcoming exams!
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2015 LSU Law graduate Ben Aguiñaga selected for U.S. Supreme Court clerkship

April 12, 2018

Ben Aguiñaga, a 2015 graduate of the LSU Law Center, has been selected to serve as a law clerk to United States Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito for the 2018-19 term of the Court. “We at the LSU Law Center are extremely proud of Ben and his selection to clerk on the U.S Supreme Court,” LSU Law Dean Tom Galligan said. “This is a great moment for Ben and LSU Law.” Aguiñaga becomes just the second LSU Law graduate to serve as a Supreme Court law clerk. Michelle Stratton, a 2009 graduate, clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas for the 2011-12…
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3L Ahmed Soussi wins 2018 Dean's Cup Moot Court Competition

April 11, 2018

LSU Law 3L student Ahmed Soussi won the 2018 Dean’s Cup Moot Court Competition on April 9 in the Robinson Courtroom of the LSU Law Center. Jacob Irving finished runner-up. In the final round, Soussi and Irving argues the case of Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Mansky, which involves election laws that forbid voters from wearing political badges, political button, or other political insignia at the polling place. The ban broadly prohibits any material “designed to influence and impact voting,” or “promoting a group with recognizable political views,” even when the apparel makes no reference to any issue or candidate on…
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Phillip Smith named 2018 Advocacy Programs Coach of the Year

April 11, 2018

Phillip Smith (LSU Law ’16) was named the recipient of the 2018 Susan C. Kalinka Award for Advocacy Programs Coach of the Year at the Advocacy Programs Banquet on April 9. Phillip, along with Adjunct Professor Dean Sutherland (2010 Kalinka Award recipient), coaches the Law Center’s John R. Brown National Admiralty Law Moot Court Competition team. This year, the team won the Admiralty competition and also took home the award for Best Brief, marking the Law Center’s third Admiralty win in four years. Phillip was a member of the Admiralty team while in law school and was on two national championship…
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LSU Law Board of Advocates announced for 2018-19

April 10, 2018

The LSU Law Board of Advocates announced the students selected for the board for the 2018-19 academic year. The Board of Advocates is the Law Center’s student honor organization that promotes the development of oral and written persuasive advocacy skills. The Board of Advocates is the result of a merger of the Moot Court Board and Trial Advocacy Board. Students are selected to the Board of Advocates based on a holistic application that looks at a student’s success in the Law Center’s many different internal and external advocacy opportunities. Given that the merger of the Moot Court and Trial Advocacy…
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LSU Law celebrates scholarship donors and recipients at annual reception

April 6, 2018

The LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center welcomed more than 130 scholarship donors and student scholarship recipients to the Club at LSU Union Square for its annual Scholarship Reception on March 27. The annual event connects scholarship donors with the student recipients of those scholarships.  Students have the opportunity to learn more about the donors and what motivated their generosity.  Donors are delighted to meet “their” students and learn about the unique qualifications, ambitions, accomplishments and challenges that led them to LSU Law. “Today, with the deep cuts to state support for higher education and the concomitant increase in tuition…
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CALI Lessons for Law Students

April 2, 2018

CALI, the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction, has over 1,000 interactive tutorials that cover various topics of law. CALI Lessons are drafted by law professors and librarians throughout the country and are geared specifically toward helping law students learn particular areas of the law. Stop by the Reference Desk today for the authorization code to access CALI Lessons.
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