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Professor Tom Galligan’s article, “Revisiting Sanchez: Turning Short Round,” has been published in Vol. 24, Issue 1 of the Loyola Maritime Law Journal (Winter 2025).

Professor Nick Bryner spoke at a roundtable discussion on “Legal Protection of Flora in the Context of Climate Change” at the Rio de Janeiro State Judicial Academy in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Jan. 24. On Jan. 27-28, he participated in a two-day dialogue on the Model Forest Act Initiative in Brasilia, Brazil, organized by the National High Court of Justice of Brazil, the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), and the Inter-American Development Bank. The events included judges, ambassadors, government ministry officials, and academics from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and Suriname.

Professor Ryan Stoa was interviewed for an article by regarding the state’s ability to clear homeless encampments in New Orleans and the Louisiana Supreme Court’s ruling that reaffirmed the state’s legal and constitutional power to clear encampments.

Dean Alena Allen participated as a member of the ABA site team for Florida State University College of Law.

Professor Caprice Roberts participated on several panels at the 2025 AALS Annual Meeting, which was held in San Francisco on Jan. 7-11. Along with participating on the "Remedies at the Intersection of Public and Private Law" and "Understanding the Third Restatement of Tort Remedies Approach to Dignitary Harms" panels, Roberts introduced the AALS Litigation Section’s Outstanding Practitioner Award to Ben Crump and Chris Ayers for their historic lawsuits to vindicate the restitution interests of the Henrietta Lacks family. 

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