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2024 LSU Law Order of the Coif: Erin Alpandinar

Erin Alpandinar
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

  • Juris Doctor
  • Magna Cum Laude graduate
  • Paul M. Hebert Scholar
  • Dean’s Scholar
  • Journal of Energy Law and Resources Editor-in-Chief
  • Spring 2023 Ira S. Flory Mock Trial Competition winner
  • Undergraduate: LSU, Bachelor of Arts, Political Science and Sociology

What are your immediate career plans?
After taking the bar exam, I will be clerking in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana. Upon completing my clerkship, I will then join Jones Walker in their Baton Rouge office as a litigation associate.

What are your long-term career aspirations?
I hope to continue practicing in litigation and eventually become an adjunct professor.

Please tell us about the organizations and activities you participated in at LSU Law, including any awards or honors you received.
During my third year, I served as the editor-in-chief for Volume XII of the LSU Journal of Energy Law and Resources, with my article being published in the first issue. I also tutored for Professor (Melissa) Lonegrass’s Traditions course and Professor (John) Devlin’s Constitutional Law I course. Further, I was a member of the Board of Advocates and won the Spring 2023 Flory competition. I graduated magna cum laude and received seven CALI awards.

Please tell us about any LSU Law faculty, classes, or other experiences that were particularly impactful on your legal education.
The most impactful experience I had in law school was being a member of the Journal of Energy Law and Resources (JELR). I was able to sharpen my writing skills, learn about interesting areas of the law, and make incredible friendships. Further, Professors Lonegrass and Devlin were incredible mentors and teachers throughout my law school experience. Both professors were incredible examples of the type of professor I hope to be one day. Currently studying for the bar, I am incredibly thankful for all the doctrinal classes I took with Professor Lonegrass. These classes have prepared me incredibly for the bar. Further, the kindness and mentorship shown by Professor Devlin are something I will always be thankful for.

What are your fondest memories from your time at LSU Law?
My fondest memories from my time at LSU Law are those I shared with my incredible classmates with whom I have found lifelong friendships.

What advice would you give to students entering law school who aspire to become Order of the Coif members when they graduate?
Never give up, work hard, and don’t be scared to ask for help, whether it is from a friend, tutor, or professor!

