The Law Center has announced its list of distinguished visiting scholars for the 2005-06 academic year. Noted figures from around the globe will teach courses ranging from three weeks to an entire semester. The scholars are an elite cadre of the world’s leading figures in bi-jural and comparative law scholarship. Joining the Law Center this year are:
Honorable Laetitia Brunin, Secretary General to the Chief Justice, Supreme Court of France, teaching Comparative Criminal Procedure.
Professor Sefa-Marianne Franken, University of Tilburg, Netherlands, teaching Comparative Aspects of Venture Capital.
Professor Werner Meng, University of the Saarland, Germany, Director, Europa Institut at University of the Saarland, and former research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany, teaching Dispute Resolution in European Union.
Professor Pilar Perales Viscasillas, Professor of Law, University Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, and former Representative to UNCITRAL Commission teaching Unidroit-International Contracts.
Professor Francisco Reyes, Senior Partner, Francisco Reyes and Associates, Bogota, Columbia and Professor and Director of the Graduate Program in Business Law, Universidad de Los Andes, teaching Latin American Business Law.
Professor Jan Smits, Professor of Law, Maastricht University, Honorary Judge, Court of Appeal, Amsterdam, teaching Unification of Private Law in Europe
Professor Marco Ventoruzzo, Professor of Law, Universita Commerciale L. Bocconi, Milan, Italy, and Legal Advisor, Italian Stock Exchange, teaching Comparative Corporate Law.
Professor Stefan Vogenauer, Professor of Law, University of Oxford, Brasenose College, Oxford, England, and Director, Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law, teaching Unidroit: Principles of International Comparative Contracts.