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Law Professors Excel in Scholarship and Teaching

Professor Paul Baier appeared as amicus curiae this past May in the Louisiana Supreme Court on behalf of the Louisiana Psychological Association, State of Louisiana v Anthony Scott, No. 2004-KA-1312, a death penalty case, raising questions of appropriate standards for determining mental retardation.

Professor John Baker has received a Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Award to the Philippines for lectures this academic year. He has recently assumed the directorship of the Law Center’s Hemispheric Trade Program.

Professor Bill Corbett completed the second edition of a book titled, International & Comparative Employment Law: Cases and Materials, co-authored with Roger Blanpain, Susan Bisom-Rapp, Hilary K. Josephs & Michael J. Zimmer. It is under contract with Cambridge University Press.

Professor Christine Corcos continues her scholarship in the area of media law and recently began publishing the nation’s first academic media law blog. She is currently co-editing and writing two chapters of the first casebook ever to be published by a mainstream legal publisher on law and film (for LEXIS Publishing, due in 2006).

Professor Susan Kalinka continued writing her bi-monthly column for Taxes – The Tax Magazine. Her latest column, “Job Act ‘Simplifies’ Subchapter S by Adding Complex Provisions,” 83 TAXES 15, appeared in the May 2005 issue.

Professor Jason Kilborn presented a paper at the Cegla Center Conference titled, “Personal Bankruptcy in the 21st Century: Emerging Trends and New Challenges,” in June of this year. The conference was held at Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel. His paper was titled, Behavioral Economics and Comparative Consumer Bankruptcy. While in Israel, Professor Kilborn also advised the Israeli parliament (Knesset) about consumer bankruptcy reform.

Professor James Bowers lectured this spring at the XXII World Congress on Philosophy of Law in Granada, Spain and delivered a paper at a visiting scholar workshop at Tilburg University Netherlands. He co-taught an Introduction to American Law course at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium.

Professor Andrea Carroll’s article, “Examining a Comparative Law Myth: Two Hundred Years of Riparian Misconception,” was selected as a winner for the 2005 Stanford-Yale Junior Faculty Forum in the category of Property. Her article will be published in the Tulane Law Review later this year.
Professor Darlene Goring recently completed an article titled, “Jumpin’ the Broom – The history of slave marriage in the United States.”

Professor Randy Trahan served on the Persons Committee of the Louisiana State Law Institute, whose project for the law of “filiation”  (Civil Code bk. I, titl. VII, chs.1-3) was enacted at this years Regular Legislative Session.

Professor Ed Richards’ work in the public health law area has been acknowledged in the June 2005 issue of the Public Health Law Association Reporter (PHLA) and the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) electronic legal alert, Public Health Law News. He was also recently cited in a Forbes article titled, “Defensive Medicine.” This summer, Richards addressed President George Bush’s Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS regarding the role of law in the control of the AIDS crisis. He also recently spoke on emergency quarantine laws and on legal strategies to control obesity at the CDC’s Public Health and the Law in the 21st Century 4th Annual Partnership Conference.
