Edmund Burke, an 18th century British Statesman and philosopher, once stated, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
Patrick Hall, a third-year law student and Vice President of the LSU Law Center’s American Constitution Society chapter, began the school’s Veterans Day ceremony with that quote, encapsulating the meaning of the day’s event.
More than 70 students and members of the Law Center’s faculty and staff gathered to remember those who have and continue to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces. The event began with the playing of the National Anthem followed by Herschel Chapin, a second-year law student, discussing the background of Veterans Day.
In one of the more emotional moments of the ceremony, Capt. Thomas Dax Mallory, a third-year law student and member of the U.S. Army Reserves, addressed the assembly on what it means to be a veteran.
“My fear is not in dying in a foxhole, but in facing the disappointment of others if I fail,” said a visibly choked-up Mallory, who received a standing ovation after his speech.
As a finale, the marches of each Armed Forces branch were played, while those who served or had family in that particular branch stood to be recognized.