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Career Services Graduate Survey – Class of 2025

Personal Information

9 digit number on your LSU ID card

Permanent Address

I. Demographic Information

B. Age - Please provide your age by one of the following
You may check up to two

II. Post Graduate Employment Status

Note that a long-term job from the employer's perspective may be one that you consider short-term, while, for example, you continue to seek a different job. Please indicate the type of job from the employer's perspective.
'Yes' excludes jobs that are "permanent" in nature such as long-term jobs in career services, admissions, development, or general counsel offices.
7. Job Start Date *
If you received an offer from your summer employer, or the employer for whom you worked during law school, indicate how you initially made contact with that employer.

B. Employer Information

The Primary Nature of your job is

Nature of Job: Law Firm

Job is part of an incubator program or is at a law firm established by the law school.

Nature of Job: Business or Industry

Nature of Job: Government

Nature of Job: Public Interest

Nature of Job: Academia/Education

III. Employment During Law School

Employment During Law School
1L Summer Employment
2L Summer Employment

IV. Other Remarks
