LSU Law Center Names 2014 Distinguished Alumnus and Achievement Honorees
The LSU Law Center honored Cordell H. Haymon (’68) as the 2014 Distinguished Alumnus of the Year and the Honorable James J. “Jim” Brady (’69), Maryam Sabbaghian Brown (’00), Craig W. Murray (’76) and Patrick S. Ottinger (’73) for Distinguished Achievement at an awards luncheon on Sunday, September 21, at the Lod Cook Conference Center. The Distinguished Alumnus Award is given annually to a graduate for rare distinction in professional achievement and loyalty to the LSU Law Center and the Distinguished Achievement awards recognize graduates for professional achievement and career distinction, service to and support of LSU Law, and service to the community.
Law Center Announces $800,000 J. Bennett Johnston Science Foundation Gift Supporting the Laborde Energy Law Center
LSU Law Center Chancellor Jack M. Weiss is pleased to announce an $800,000 gift from the J. Bennett Johnston Science Foundation to the LSU John P. Laborde Energy Law Center. The gift establishes the J. Bennett Johnston Energy Law Endowment Fund in honor of Senator Johnston and will support student internships and externships in energy law and policy. The fund will serve as a challenge fund for the Law Center’s $20 million Energy Law Center fundraising campaign.
LSU Law Students Achieve State’s Highest Passage Rate on July 2014 Bar Exam
LSU Law Center students achieved the state’s highest passage rate among all examinees on the latest Louisiana State Bar Exam, according to results released October 17 by the Committee on Bar Admissions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana. The results are for test takers who sat for the statewide Bar examination in July 2014.
LSU Law Center Chancellor Jack M. Weiss said, “I am pleased that LSU Law students once again achieved the highest pass rate on the Louisiana Bar Examination. The Law Center’s success is a tribute to our wonderful students and gifted faculty.”
Chancellor Appoints Diversity Task Force
In response to an expression of concern from the President of the Black Law Students Association and another student, Chancellor Jack Weiss announced yesterday the appointment of a broadly based task force that will consider and make recommendations to the faculty and the Administration on means by which the Law Center can help all students, including minority students, succeed, foster camaraderie, and promote better understanding of one another’s cultures and experiences. The task force will include students, Law Center faculty and staff, and graduates of the Law Center.
U.S. Senate Confirms LSU Law Alum John W. deGravelles (’74) to Federal Judgeship
John W. deGravelles (’74) was sworn in on Thursday, July 24 by Chief Judge Brian Jackson of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana as the latest appointee to the Court. The United States Senate unanimously confirmed deGravelles to the federal judgeship on July 22.
“Judge deGravelles brings to the Middle District bench a superb blend of intellect, humanity, scholarship, and experience,” said LSU Law Chancellor Jack Weiss. “He is a wonderful addition to an already distinguished court.”
LSU Law Recognized in Top 10 Best Value Law School Rankings
For the fourth consecutive year, LSU Law has ranked within the Top 10 Best Value Law Schools in the nation by the National Jurist, a legal education publication. Coming in at #8, LSU Law is the only Louisiana law school, public or private, included in the Best Value rankings.
Jeffrey K. Coreil (’09) to Receive the 2014 American Inns of Court Sandra Day O’Connor Award for Professional Service
Jeffrey K. Coreil (’09), an associate with NeunerPate, has been selected to receive the prestigious Sandra Day O’Connor Award for Professional Service by the American Inns of Court. The annual award honors an American Inn of Court member in practice for ten or fewer years for excellence in public interest or pro bono activities.
Reminder! All-Alumni Tailgate: Saturday, October 25
Saturday, October 25, 2014
All-Alumni Tailgate & 3L Hats & Canes Toast 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. (subject to game time) Front steps of 1936 Old Law Building-Highland Rd. Food sponsored by NeunerPate
Class of 2017 Arrives on Campus—201 Strong
The LSU Law Class of 2017 – some 201 strong - began their journey in the law, when the 2014 Student Orientation kicked off on August 14th. Law Center Chancellor Jack M. Weiss and LSU President and Chancellor Dr. F. King Alexander officially welcomed the class during their first day on campus. This is the second year that Dr. Alexander has welcomed students to the Law Center.
Law Center Announces Alumni Leadership of Chancellor's Council and Annual Fund
The LSU Law Center is pleased to announce the alumni leadership for the 2014-15 Chancellor's Council and Annual Fund.
J. Rock Palermo III (’92) will serve as the Chair of the Chancellor’s Council and R. Patrick “Pat” Vance (’75) will serve as Co-Chair. The Chancellor’s Council is the leadership giving level of the Annual Fund. Founded in 1999 to stimulate loyalty among alumni and to set a stand of commitment that encourages support from others, the Chancellor’s Council recognizes alumni and friends whose generous support enables the Law Center to maintain its status as one of the top 100 law schools in the country.
Annual Fund Chair Amy Lambert ('96) and Vice-Chair Tim Daniels ('85) are enlisting fellow LSU Law graduates from across the state to help increase alumni participation in annual giving. Unrestricted gifts to the Annual Fund support: student financial aid, moot court and clinic activities, new “hands on” programs such as Apprenticeship Week, recruitment and placement efforts for students, and the new Energy Law program.
Law Firm Annual Fund Campaign Begins
The LSU Law Center has kicked off its 2014-15 Annual Fund Law Firm Campaign! Our firm challenge began September 15th and continues through November 7th.
Our success each year is due, in part, to the efforts of our volunteer firm leaders, and we are grateful for their work in supporting LSU Law and our Annual Fund program. Over 100 law firms participated in last year’s campaign. Thanks to all of the firms who support the Annual Fund Law Firm campaign!
If your firm has not previously participated in our Firm Campaign and would like to, please contact Mimi Plauche at 225/578-8452 or Mimi.Plauche@law.lsu.edu today!
To donate now:www.lsufoundation.org/givetolsulaw.
LSU CLE Fall Schedule
Are you looking for a CLE? Check out the list of available CLEs through the Center for Continuing Professional Development:
October 30-31: Recent Developments in Legislation & Jurisprudence, Cajundome Convention Center, Lafayette
November 6-7: Recent Developments in Legislation & Jurisprudence, Monroe Convention Center
November 14-15: Recent Developments in Legislation & Jurisprudence, LSU Law Center
Submit Your Class Notes
The Law Center welcomes your submission of information for the Class Notes Section of our newsletter.
Please submit your class note in the following format:
“Name, year of graduation, name of firm, information”
John Doe (’99), Mitchell & Mitchell, was recognized in The Best Lawyers in America 2012 in the areas of Intellectual Property Law and Technology Law.
We welcome a current photograph to accompany your news submission. Photos must be at least 3 inches wide, 300 DPI (or at least 900 pixels in quality).
We would also appreciate receiving information on alums who have recently passed away so that we might include them in our In Memoriam section of e-news.
Please submit information to Jane Hansen Dunn at Jane.Dunn@law.lsu.edu, or call 225/578-8644.