Law Center Ranked #17 Best Value Law School in the Nation
The LSU Law Center has been ranked among the Best Value Law schools in the country, according to data recently released by The National Jurist Magazine. The September 2009 rankings put the LSU Law Center at #17, up from #22 in the previous rankings.
Center Establishes New Teaching Fellowship Program
The Law Center hopes to soon have future law teachers from throughout the country teaching at the Law Center as part of a newly established Future Law Teachers Fellowship Program. The fellowship will provide an opportunity for outstanding candidates to prepare themselves for careers in legal education, while gaining experience teaching legal research, legal writing, and oral advocacy to first-year students.
Reception to Honor Judge Ralph E. Tyson
Chief Judge Ralph E. Tyson, a 1973 graduate of the LSU Law Center, will be honored as the 2009 Distinguished Alumnus on the evening of Thursday, September 24. The reception will take place at the Country Club of Louisiana beginning at 6:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required for this event no later than noon on Monday, September 21.
Class of 2012 Arrives: Chancellor Welcomes Students
The second floor student lounge is busy once again, and a line now forms in the Law Center’s CCs Coffee for the much-needed afternoon cup of java. Students— new and returning —are getting back into the swing of school that began for 1Ls August 17.
The excitement and anticipation of being a first-year law student can be a bit overwhelming.
LSU Law Center Dedicates New Clinical Space; Swears-In Students for Program
The newly renovated LSU Law Center Clinical Legal Education space was formally dedicated and opened at ceremonies held on Friday, August 21, 2009 at the Law Center. Also, twenty third-year law students were administered the oath to practice in the clinical program.
Law Center Remembers Professor Kalinka
Professor Susan C. Kalinka, the Harriet S. Daggett-Frances Leggio Landry Professor of Law at the Law Center, was honored at a memorial service held on Saturday, August 29. Professor Kalinka died August 24.
Free Alumni CLE
October 2 is the date for this year’s Free Alumni CLE. Mike Patterson ’71, Brooke Barnette ’07 and Ed Walters ’75 will be your instructors for two free hours of continuing legal education credit – one in Ethics, one in Professionalism. 2:30 p.m. – 4:40 p.m. in McKernan Auditorium.
For more information and to register
Patterson Wants to Grow Council Membership
2010 will be a sentinel year for Mike Patterson. He’ll be sworn in as Louisiana State Bar President. He’ll also observe the 10th anniversary of his membership in the Chancellor’s Council by turning over the chairmanship of Chancellor’s Council to Paul West – but not before he sees a marked increase in the number of members.
DeLaup Named Annual Fund Chair; Firm Drive Begins
Guy deLaup, incoming chair of the Annual Fund for 2009-10, has begun his term by announcing the formation of a new Annual Fund campaign team in the state of Louisiana. The new structure includes the addition of a new vice-chair position, to which Darrel Papillion of Baton Rouge has been appointed.
Council Membership Reaches a New High
Credit goes to Ralph Miller '58, Beth Foote '78, Stephen Perrien '93, Oscar Shoenfelt '79, J. Parker Laryisson '02, Trevor Wilson '07, John Galloway '71, Cliff Conine '80, Susan Daigle '80, Paul Due' '66, Cordell Haymon '68, Felix Weill '72, Lynn Perkins Perez '70, John Busenlener '75, Richard Chappuis '65, Peter Arbour '74, David Willenzik '71, Marilyn Maloney '75, Jim Lambert '76, Jim Roy '76, J. Bennett Johnston '56, Dean Sutherland '75, and Mike Fontham. Why? With their new and renewed memberships, the Chancellor's Council roster includes 274 alumni and friends who have given an unrestricted gift of $1,000 or more this year.
See who else is a member and how to join ...
Did you graduate in ’69, ’79, ’84, ’89, ’99 or ’04?
If so, register now to attend your class reunion party, October 30 or November 13. Music, food, and the your beverage of choice shared with your law school classmates – right here on campus on the night before a football game!
For registration information
LSUcle Seminar Coming to a City Near You
In the rush of your daily work, do you struggle to keep up with the tremendous number of changes in the law each year? For busy lawyers like you, LSUcle is traveling around the state (now including LAFAYETTE!) to present the most comprehensive CLE seminar on changes in Louisiana law – 14 important topics will be covered in a day and a half for a full year of CLE credits. The 2009 Recent Developments in Legislation & Jurisprudence Seminar will be coming to your city or a city near you this fall. NOTICE to Louisiana Title Insurance licensees: This seminar has also been approved for a full year of Title Insurance CE credits.
Law Center Goes Live with Redesigned Website
On August 25, the Law Center “went live” with its redesigned website. The redesign represents months of hard work by many in the Law Center community. The appearance of the website has been enhanced dramatically, and it has also been redesigned to make it easier for users to quickly navigate and find desired information.
We invite you to take a few moments to check out and familiarize yourself with the new site at law.lsu.edu
Comments may be sent to Karen.Soniat@law.lsu.edu or Linda.Rigell@law.lsu.edu
Law Center Recognizes Newcomers and Presents Staff Service Awards
Chancellor Jack Weiss recognized 13 “newcomers” to the Law Center at an annual coffee held August 26. Those recognized joined the Law Center since last fall.
Staff service awards were presented for 10, 15 and 25 years of service.
Student News
• 2009 Opening Statement Results Congratulations to Michael Mims and Ashley Mayes who emerged as winners in the 2009 Trial Advocacy Opening Statement Competition held August 25-27, 2009...read more
• LSU Law Sweeps Environmental Law Essay Contest LSU Law students swept a recent Environmental Law essay contest. Students placed first, second, and third in the Louisiana State Bar Association’s Environmental Law Essay Competition.
• PILS Day of Service a Success The Public Interest Law Society (PILS) spent the second Saturday of the new semester hard at work at Melrose Elementary School...read more.
LL.M. Students Acclimate to Campus and Louisiana
Nine students entered the LSU Law LL.M. program this year, and many are visiting Louisiana and the United States for the first time. Besides the hot weather and spicy food, the students are also adjusting to classes at the Law Center and a way of life that some are already coming to love, said one student.
Alumni News
Find out the latest news on where and what your classmates are doing these days.