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LSU Law News

December 2009

Warmest Wishes for the Holidays and the New Year: Cheers to LSU Law from the Chancellor

December 18, 2009

It’s been a year of extraordinary accomplishment and progress at LSU Law. As the year draws to a close, I reflect on the importance of family, friends, students, and colleagues and on the great good fortune we share in our affiliation with this inspiring institution. I myself count among my greatest blessings the opportunity to lead our state’s flagship law school. It is an extraordinary opportunity for which I am grateful each day, and I’m proud of the tremendous successes that we continue to mark.   Our rich educational environment continues to provide one of the most demanding programs of…
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December 2009

December 18, 2009

Professor Christine Corcos’ review of Frederick Schauer, Thinking Like a Lawyer (Harvard University Press, 2009), will appear in Volume 50 of the American Journal of Legal History. Professor Olivier Moréteau, the Russell B. Long Eminent Scholars Chair, inaugurated a new Workshop Series at McGill University on Civil Law and its Codes: A Journey Across the Americas on November 16. He presented a paper called “De Revolutionibus… The Place of the Civil Code in Louisiana and the Legal Universe.”  Referring to Copernicus’ De revolutionibus orbium celestium, he demonstrated how in Louisiana as in other civil law jurisdictions, the legal world is…
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Law Review to Honor Professor Kalinka

December 18, 2009

“The Louisiana Law Review is pleased to announce that Issue 1 of Volume 70 is dedicated to the late Professor Susan Kalinka” said Christopher K. Odinet, editor-in-chief. “Not only was Professor Kalinka an excellent teacher, but also a prolific scholar. Her publications ranged widely in matters of state and federal taxation, and she was always working on the next idea even while putting the finishing touches on her latest piece. The Louisiana Law Review is grateful and proud to have had the privilege and honor of having Professor Kalinka serve on our faculty advisory committee and of publishing several of…
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Law Center Accredited by SACS

December 18, 2009

“I am delighted to report that the LSU Law Center has been accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) to award the J.D./D.C.L. (Graduate Diploma in Civil Law), and LL.M. degrees,” said Chancellor Jack Weiss upon receiving the news of the initial accreditation on December 7. SACS is a private, nonprofit, voluntary organization founded in 1895 and located in Atlanta. The Commission on Colleges, as part of the Association, accredits higher education degree-granting institutions. The process for initial and continued accreditation involves a collective analysis and judgment by the institution’s internal constituencies;…
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Alumni Invited to BLSA Convention Slated for LSU Law, January 12 –17

December 18, 2009

The LSU Law Center has been selected to host the Rocky Mountain and Southern Regions' Black Law Students Association (SRBLSA) Convention. Law students from throughout the regions will convene for moot court competition and symposia on a variety of legal topics, according to convention organizers. Alumni are invited to attend the Welcome Reception at the LSU Energy, Coast and Environment Building on Nicholson Extension, on Thursday, January 14 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and the closing competition round scheduled for Saturday, January 16 beginning at 8 a.m. at the Law Center. To confirm attendance, please contact 225/578-8491 or email…
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Make a Gift; Create a Lasting Impact

December 18, 2009

We know that economic uncertainties continue nationwide and also here in Louisiana. With looming state budget cuts, your charitable gifts to the LSU Law Center are more important than ever. From scholarships to program initiatives, private philanthropy provides critical funding for the LSU Law Center.   As the end of 2009 draws near, we hope that your personal circumstances will allow you to consider a charitable gift to the Law Center. We need your annual support as well as endowment gifts that "give in perpetuity." Your past contributions have enabled the Law Center to enhance its Tradition of Excellence and…
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LSU Board of Supervisors Approves Changes to Curriculum

December 18, 2009

“This is a watershed moment for the LSU Law Center,” said Chancellor Jack Weiss, shortly after the LSU Board of Supervisors voted to approve a number of important changes to the LSU Law curriculum during its December meeting. “These are extremely positive reforms, and we reached out for, and were guided by, input from our students, a number of interested alumni, and adjuncts who teach at the Law Center.” “The goals of the curriculum proposal are pedagogically sound; increase the competitiveness of our students in the job market; enhance the competitiveness of the Law Center in attracting students; and enhance…
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