The LSU Journal of Energy Law and Resources Board of Editors has selected papers from 10 Junior Associates for inclusion in Volume X. The LSU Law students whose papers have been selected for Volume X are:
- Mary Eliza Baker | Plenty of Fish in the Sea: An Analysis of the Fifth Circuit’s Refusal to Bite on Aquaculture in the Gulf
- Alyssa Craton | Calling All Oysters: An Analysis of Living Shorelines, Legal Impediments, and Louisiana’s Land Loss Crisis
- Marisa Del Turco | The Transformation from Cooperative Federalism to Exclusive Jurisdiction: Issues in the Evolution of a New Era of Energy Regulation
- Hannah Greer | Post Hurricane Oil Spills: The Act of God Defense and Liability Under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990
- Quinn Hamilton | Is Big Oil Too Big? Examining the Implications and Effects of Oil and Gas Companies Not Complying with Louisiana Coastal Regulations
- Karly Kyzar | A Survey of the Derogation of Property Rights and Damage to Production on Agricultural Land Burdened with Pipeline Servitudes
- Reagan Moody | The Climate is Changing, So Should We: An Analysis of Legal Inadequacies Amidst the Rise of Climate Migration
- Clay Parker | Saving Sportsman’s Paradise: Louisiana’s Options for Facing Future Spillway Openings
- Gage Stewart | Honey, I Shrunk the Reactor: A Comment on the Journey of Small Modular Reactors through the Nuclear Regulatory Process
- Stephanie Wartelle | Oh, the Tides They Are a Changin’: Climate Change, Due Diligence, and How the Standard of Care Should Change to Reflect the Current Technologies in Flood Mapping
The LSU Journal of Energy Law and Resources is a student-edited academic journal focusing broadly on energy and its relationship to other areas of law. It was created in 2011 to promote the study of energy law and the effects of technological innovation on a local, national and international level. The journal’s membership consists of second- and third-year LSU Law students who are invited to join based on academic performance as well as writing and editing abilities as tested through the annual Write-On Competition.