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Planning for Clinics Moves Ahead

The Law Center is moving forward with plans to expand its clinical legal education program by Fall 2008.

“A three-year plan is under development to phase in live client clinics, expand opportunities for real-life practice field placements, and make available additional public interest law projects at the Law Center,” according to Professor Lucy McGough, who has been appointed by Chancellor Jack Weiss to spearhead the Center’s efforts.

McGough is widely recognized within the American Bar Association for her work and scholarship related to clinical education. “She is familiar with clinics throughout the U.S. and has taught clinics, along with Stephen Dixon (’87) in the Office of the Public Defender in Baton Rouge, for several years,” said Vice Chancellor for Student/Academic Affairs Cheney Joseph.

Serving on the Law Center’s Clinical Education Committee are: Chancellor Weiss; Vice Chancellor Joseph; Vice Chancellor for Financial/Business Affairs Glenn Morris; Professors Greg Smith, John Church, John Devlin, and Lucy McGough.

The Law Center is hoping to employ a full-time assistant professor for the clinical program in the near future. The committee is also interviewing potential applicants who might serve as clinical director. Chancellor Weiss said that an important goal of the group is to expand field placement opportunities for students in federal, state and other governmental agencies, as well as businesses and nonprofit organizations. “We have a dual goal to provide both hands-on experiences for our students and to better serve our community,” said the Chancellor.
