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LSU Parole & Reentry Clinic receives investment from Huey and Angelina Wilson Foundation

The LSU Parole & Reentry Clinic received a $40,000 investment from the Huey and Angelina Wilson Foundation as part of its Prison Reentry Initiative.

The Prison Reentry Initiative is designed to create a “dramatic reduction” in the number of formerly incarcerated individuals who return to prison and an increase in the cost-savings to the community associated with successful reintegration. The Huey & Angelina Wilson Foundation’s doled out $1 million in funds for the new year, and this is the third year the foundation has made investments of $1 million in prison re-entry programs.

“The generous support of the Wilson Foundation allows the Parole & Reentry Clinic the resources to give our students a rich and meaningful experience advocating for clients who truly need the assistance of a lawyer. Not only do students gain invaluable lawyering skills that inform their future success in the legal profession, they see first-hand how the power and professional responsibility of lawyering can make real change in individuals lives,” Professor Robert Lancaster, LSU Law Director of Clinical Legal Education, said.

Students in the Parole & Reentry Clinic learn about the law and procedure of criminal sentencing and the Louisiana Board of Pardons, Committee on Parole. Students learn lawyering skills while assisting offenders seeking early release. Students assist in the development of viable reentry plans to that offenders who are released have a greater likelihood of success. Students draft briefs and gather evidence in support of early release and advocate for offenders before the Committee on Parole.

Last year, students in the Parole & Reentry Clinic assisted 12 offenders successfully return to their communities.
