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LSU Law Announces New Endowment Gift

Preis & Roy, PCL Creates Endowed Professorship of Advocacy and Professional Practice

Three men wearing suits smile and hold a large wooden plaque

L to R: Chancellor Jack Weiss, Lane Roy, and Edwin Preis

LSU Law Center Chancellor Jack M. Weiss announced on November 1 the creation of The Preis and Roy Director of Advocacy and Professional Practice Endowed Professorship, an endowment established through a $250,000 gift by the Preis and Roy law firm.

The endowed professorship gift will support the director of the Law Center’s Advocacy and Professional Practice program, a position responsible for the activities of the Law Center’s 27 Trial Advocacy and Moot Court teams and its field placement program, and provide funds to support the activities of the program. The Preis and Roy law firm’s gift is the largest, one-time law firm gift ever to be received by the Law Center.

Chancellor Weiss said, “Preis and Roy, PLC, has been a long-time supporter of the LSU Law Center.  We are honored that they have chosen to support the Law Center with a gift of this size and that they elected to provide financial support to a program that is so fundamental to the legal education program of LSU Law students.  We thank all of the members of the firm, including the outstanding LSU Law graduates and other friends there, for this gift.”

“We consider it a privilege to be in a position to financially support the LSU Law school,” said Edwin Preis. “Remarkable accomplishments have been made under the leadership of Chancellor Jack Weiss and his team, and we are proud to be a small part of that success.”

Preis and Roy was established over 30 years ago by Edwin Preis, a 1972 graduate of LSU Law, and Lane Roy. The firm has 53 attorneys in its Lafayette, Houston and New Orleans offices. Some 24 of the firm’s lawyers are LSU Law Center graduates.
