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2024: Order of the Coif: Madeleine Marie Simpson

A female student with brown curly hair smiling wearing a purple gown and tam with their arms crossed in front of them.Hometown

Port Allen, Louisiana.

What are your immediate career plans?

After graduation, I will be working at Kean Miller law firm in Baton Rouge in the commercial litigation group.

What are your long-term career aspirations?

I hope that through my work at Kean Miller, I will be able to develop a specialty and continue my legal knowledge on my path towards partnership.

Please tell us about the organizations and activities you participated in at LSU Law, including any awards or honors you received.

Throughout law school, I was named a Paul M. Hebert Scholar in Fall 2021, Spring 2023, and Fall 2023. I was named a Dean’s Scholar in Spring 2022, Fall 2022, and Spring 2024. I received a CALI Award of excellence in Legal Research & Writing II, Sports Law, and Immigration Law and graduated magna cum laude. I also externed with Judge Pamela Baker (’84) at the 19th Judicial District Family Court of Baton Rouge in Spring 2023.

Please tell us about any LSU Law faculty, classes, or other experiences that were particularly impactful on your legal education.

My most impactful experience at LSU Law was attending the summer study abroad program in Lyon, France. I was able to form lifelong friendships with my classmates while traveling throughout Europe.

What are your fondest memories from your time at LSU Law?

My fondest memories are the ones I made with my law school friends. From the St. Patrick’s Day Parade to Barrister’s Ball, it was the people around me that made the experiences memorable.

What advice would you give to students entering law school who aspire to become Order of the Coif members when they graduate?

My best advice would be to surround yourself with people who will push you to do your best. Studying in law school can be overwhelming, but doing it alongside positive, hardworking people makes it worthwhile. Your accomplishments are more fulfilling when you have friends celebrating with you.

