Congratulations to Lauren Anderson, Eden Davis, Shannon Kelly, Thomas McCall, and Claire Popovich, who competed at the Southeast Super-Regional of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition in Houston, Texas February 24 through 26, 2012.
Kelly and Davis were undefeated in their preliminary rounds at the Super-Regional. Of the 92 oralists at the competition, Anderson was the eighth-highest-scoring oralist, while McCall received an award for being in the top 20 best oralists. The team also received an award for writing the eighth-place memorial (brief).
The Jessup Competition is the world’s largest moot court competition, with participants from over 500 law schools in 80 countries. The competition is a simulation of a dispute between countries before the International Court of Justice, the judicial body of the United Nations. Thousands of students from all over the world work for almost a year to prepare for the competition.
This year’s problem, the Case Concerning the Mai-Tocao Temple, dealt with the questions of whether a government formed out of a coup d’état can represent a country internationally, the legality of destroying a cultural heritage site out of military necessity, whether a country can be held internationally liable for the acts of an international organization, and whether civil judgments in domestic courts can bind nations.
The Jessup team is coached by Professors Jeffrey Brooks and Scott Sullivan.