LSU Law Dean Thomas Galligan, Jr. welcomed the LSU Law class of 2022 at the first day of a two-day orientation program on the LSU Law campus. Dean Galligan was joined by Dr. Stacia L. Haynie, LSU Executive Vice President and Provost; Andrea Carroll, LSU Law Associate Dean for Academic & Student Affairs; Jake Henry, Director of Admissions for the Law Center; and numerous LSU Law faculty members and students.
Some 205 students make up the first year (1L) class. Louisiana residents comprise 70% of the class, while 30% are nonresidents. The class is 53% female and 47% male; 21% are students of color. Students hail from 67 undergraduate institutions, 24 states and one foreign country. Fifteen of the entering students are enrolled in the LSU Law/LSU 3 + 3 program. They have a median LSAT score of 155 and a median GPA of 3.48, each of which is a slight increase from last fall’s entering class.
Sessions for the two-day program include topics such as the Law School Experience, Code of Professional Responsibility, Staying Healthy and Balanced, Preparing for Class, Learning in a Cross-cultural Society, Academic Support and Academic Tutors, Student Perspectives on the Law School Experience, Student Life and Services, and Orientation to IT and the Library. Also addressing students are members of the LA State Bar Association (LSBA) who will speak on Professionalism in the profession. The LSBA is represented by Justice John L. Weimer, III, LA Supreme Court (’80) ; Barry Grodsky, LSBA Committee on the Profession; Robert Kutcher, LSBA President; and other members of the Bar.
Dean Galligan encouraged students to think of justice as a “big idea that connotes and includes fairness, reason, equality, and appreciation of the worth and views of others.”
“Soon you will be the custodians of this big idea we call justice…you will be the ones pushing to make the law and the world a better place through what you do. That is some serious and very important responsibility. I daresay the future of our country, our world, and our humanity depend, in large part, on our commitment to justice and our desire to make sure it never dies. You can make a difference,” he said. “So, hang onto that idea and never let it go!”