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U.S. Senate Confirms LSU Law Alum John W. deGravelles (’74) to Federal Judgeship

A man wearing a suit and tie smiles with books and a plant in the background

The Honorable John W. deGravelles (’74), U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana

John W. deGravelles (’74) was sworn in on Thursday, July 24 by Chief Judge Brian Jackson of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana as the latest appointee to the Court. The United States Senate unanimously confirmed deGravelles to the federal judgeship on July 22. He was nominated by President Barack Obama following a recommendation by Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana. Judge deGravelles was appointed to the seat previously filled by Judge James Brady (‘69), who took senior status earlier this year.

DeGravelles is a 1974 honor graduate of the LSU Law Center, where he earned The Order of the Coif recognition for scholastic achievement. In recent years, he has practiced law as a founding partner of deGravelles, Palmintier, Holthaus & Fruge LLP in Baton Rouge.

“Judge deGravelles brings to the Middle District bench a superb blend of intellect, humanity, scholarship, and experience,” said LSU Law Chancellor Jack Weiss. “He is a wonderful addition to an already distinguished court.”

With Judge deGravelles’ appointment to the Middle District judgeship, LSU Law alumni now account for half (11 of 22) of the active federal district judges in Louisiana:  two of three in the Middle District; four of seven in the Western District; and five of twelve in the Eastern District.

DeGravelles has a long affiliation with the LSU Law Center. He has taught as an adjunct professor at the Law Center for many years. He served as the first President of the LSU Law Alumni Board of Trustees in 1999-2000 and is a longstanding member of the Chancellor’s Council. He has served on a variety of committees in service to the Law Center.
