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Thanksgiving Greetings from Chancellor Jack Weiss

Dear Friends:
As we approach Thanksgiving, it seems a fitting time to consider all of the blessings that have been bestowed on our LSU Law community. Foremost among them is the gift of peace in a broader world that is the scene of so much violent turmoil and human tragedy. Our security, of course, is no happenstance; we owe it to the thousands of dedicated men and women of our armed forces who risk their lives on a daily basis to assure our safety and freedom. I hope that you will include our service personnel in your prayers and in your reflections this Thanksgiving.
I also think that our LSU Law community itself provides much for which we can be thankful. In recent weeks, we have seen a powerful illustration of all we can accomplish together, as students, faculty, and alumni have joined forces to effectuate important curricular and policy changes here at the Law Center. These changes are important in their own right, but equally, if not more important is the example these cooperative efforts have set for future collective progress. There is virtually nothing we cannot accomplish working together, and we should all be thankful for that.

Finally, I want to reiterate how thankful I am personally for the opportunity to serve as Chancellor of this unique institution. On a daily basis, I see the remarkable growth of our students, and I witness the difference our talented faculty make in our students’ lives and futures. You, our alumni, through your support and generosity, make our success possible, and for this all of us are deeply grateful.
I hope that each and every one of you will have a happy, safe, and restful Thanksgiving holiday.
With best personal regards.
Jack Weiss
