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LL.M. Tour at the Louisiana Supreme Court

On August 5th, 2016, Prof. O. Moréteau and Christabelle Lefebvre accompanied the five new LL.M. candidates to New Orleans for a team-building and sightseeing tour, including a visit to the Louisiana Supreme Court and the Louisiana Law Library, in the splendid court building at 400 Royal Street. The visit of the Rare Books Room is always a highlight!

‘Father Chief Justice’ E.D. White, the only Louisianian who ever sat on the U.S. Supreme Court, welcomes the group at the court entrance at 400 Royal Street, New Orleans

Brandon Wright, Assistant Librarian at the Law Library of Louisiana, introduces the LL.M. candidates to the sometimes unique volumes kept in the rare books collection

4th Circuit Court of Appeal Judge Roland L. Belsome welcomes the delegation to the historical court building

French students travel all the way to Louisiana to hold an original copy of the Napoleonic Code (Code civil des Français, 1804)

Our three French candidates looking for article 1382 in the original: the excitement is palpable

Questioning looks

The new Louisiana Supreme Court? After all, they are seven!

Hail to the chief! In front of Chief Justice Bernette J. Johnson’s portrait
