1982 Moot Court Competition
Archives Policies
Onsite: Access to the Archival Collections is by appointment only. Archival materials may not be checked out, and may not be removed from the reading room. To setup an appointment, please contact lawarchives@lsu.edu. Once on site, researchers will be asked to sign in and read the Rules of Using Archival Collections. In accordance with the Archives & Rare Books Policy, patrons are not allowed in the Archives or Rare Book Rooms themselves, but will be able to use these materials in the Archives Reading Room.
Email and Telephone Requests: For patrons who cannot travel to the Library to conduct research, email and telephone reference services are available. The Library will assist in the identification of potentially relevant materials for photocopying or scanning. The Library is not able to transcribe, paraphrase, or otherwise interpret information for the researcher. Research requests generally take 1-2 weeks to complete, depending on the nature of the question and the number of outstanding requests at the time of submission. Photocopies/digital scans are available for a charge of $0.15 per page (+ $2.00 handling/postage fee when applicable). Fax charges are $0.50 per page (local), $0.75 per page long distance), and $1.00 per page (international); in addition to a $2.00 handling fee. To submit an online reference request for the Archival Collections contact lawarchives@lsu.edu. Please state your question as clearly as possible to facilitate a prompt response.
Photocopying and Scanning
Due to special preservation issues when handling and photocopying and scanning archival material, all photocopies and scans are made by the Archives staff. The Library reserves the right to deny copy requests based on issues related to copyright, preservation, or other circumstances. Photocopies/digital scans are available for a charge of $0.15 per page (+ $2.00 handling/postage fee when applicable).
Collecting and Gifts
The LSU Law Library Archival Collections collects materials that align with its mission and welcomes the donation of materials that will enhance the collection. The acceptance of gifts is contingent upon the appropriateness of the gift to the archival collections, donor restrictions, and the availability of space and conservation supplies. If you are interested in donating materials to the Archives, please read our Acquisition Policy and contact lawarchives@lsu.edu.