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General Information

The LSU Law Library is one of the largest academic law libraries in the United States, and holds more than 850,000 volume equivalents, and 109,000 volumes of court records. In addition to the standard Anglo-American legal materials, the library has substantial collections of foreign, international, and comparative law. It is a selective depository for U.S. Government documents and Louisiana documents.

The Louisiana State University Law Center Library’s mission is to support the legal scholarship and educational activities of the Paul M. Hebert Law Center; to serve its faculty, staff, students, and alumni; and to offer assistance to the Louisiana legal community, the general public, and other educational institutions.  As the library for the flagship institution for Louisiana legal education, the Law Library initiates programs and services to fulfill the mission of the Law Center and assists in attracting prospective faculty, students and visiting scholars, while providing leadership for other national law school information centers.