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Exam Software

At the discretion of each faculty member, students can take their final exams using a personal laptop computer and the Exam4 software. Several weeks before final exams begin each semester, students will receive an email notifying them that the software is available. There is a new version of Exam4 every semester that contains that semester’s class list. All prior versions of the software from past semesters are expired and will not function. Ensure that your laptop is running a supported operating system and that your Windows Updates and Apple Software Updates are current (excluding any unsupported operating systems). Please take note of the operating systems supported by Exam4. Replace any faulty laptop power cords or batteries well before exams begin as the Law Center does not have spares available.

Once you have downloaded the software, take a practice exam all the way through the exam submission process to verify the software is working properly. Be sure to choose “Practice Exam” for the course and use your correct exam number for the current semester issued by the Law Registrar. Exam numbers from past semesters will not work. Do not type any material in your practice exam that you wish to review later because it cannot be retrieved from the software. If you encounter any problems with Exam4, please contact Law ITS at

If you experience any barriers using the Exam4 software due to a disability, please contact Law ITS at