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2025 Summer Field Placement Application

Application due February 14, 2025. Submitting an application is not a commitment to the field placement program.
You may submit an application and continue to look for other summer opportunities.

Pre-Created: Placement developed by the LSU Law Center Field Placement Program.

Hybrid: We work with you and our contacts outside of Baton Rouge to develop a custom field placement for you.

Self-Created: Placement developed by the applicant.

Statement of Interest

Your statement of interest is intended to demonstrate how a summer field placement will further your career goals, how a field placement fits into your overall law school academic plan, and how you intend to make a field placement possible on a practical level. Your statement must address all of the following:

  • Where you intend to live this summer, including your housing arrangements and general financial situation and plans,
  • What sort(s) of work you would be most interested in,
  • Whether you have any other summer job prospects,
  • What area or areas of law most interest you,
  • What other coursework, if any, you plan to take over the summer,
  • Where physically you would like to be after law school,
  • What your housing and living options are for the summer, and
  • What sort of work you would like to be doing after law school.
  • If you are a rising 3L, please list any experiential courses you have taken.

This statement of interest will not be provided to your placements and is for internal use only.

Type your statement no more than 3 pages in length, and attach it using the field below.

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

To help us with organizing submissions, please use filenames based on your name and the type of document.

For example: Jane-Doe-Statement-of-Interest.pdf

Additional Documents

Please attach the following files.

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

To help us with organizing submissions, please use filenames based on your name and the type of document.

For example: Jane-Doe-Resume-with-GPA.pdf

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

To help us with organizing submissions, please use filenames based on your name and the type of document.

For example: Jane-Doe-Resume-without-GPA.pdf

Verification of Field Placement Responsibilities

In applying for the LSU Law Center Program, I, the undersigned, understand and agree to the following:

  1. My field placement may not compensate me in any way for my work except that it may reimburse me for expenses such as parking, meals, etc.
  2. If I accept a field placement, either one created by the LSU Law Center Field Placement Program or one I have self-created, I may not subsequently decline that field placement.
  3. If I accept a field placement, either one created by the LSU Law Center Field Placement Program or one that I have self-created, I understand that I will be enrolled, for three academic credits, in the Law Center’s Summer Field Placement course for the Summer 2024 session.
  4. If I accept a field placement, I understand that I may not drop the Summer Field Placement course after its addition to my schedule without the express written approval of the Director of Field Placements and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.
  5. If I accept a field placement, I understand that I am responsible for attending the weekly field placement seminar and completing all course requirements in accordance with the policies set forth in the LSU Law Center Catalog and in accordance with the Honor Code.
  6. If I accept a field placement, I understand that I am responsible for attending an ethics seminar prior to commencing my field placement.
  7. The application is a statement that I am seriously interested in a field placement, but is not a formal commitment. I can and should continue seeking out other opportunities for summer work or classes. If I am no longer interested in a field placement, I will communicate my withdrawal to Professor Richard Pittman at
  8. From the time I submit this application until my field placement is completed, I will check my LSU email daily except weekends, holidays, and exam time for correspondence about my application or about my field placement, and act with appropriate diligence on any correspondence received.
  9. A field placement may only be at either a judges' chambers, government agency (local, state, or federal), or public interest organization (e.g. a legal services corporation, public defender office, etc.) under the direction of a supervising attorney. Under the rules of the field placement program, a private law office or for-profit corporation does not qualify as a field placement host.
Please click 'Submit' only once. Submission may take a few moments depending on size of file uploads.