NOTE: applications received after March 16th may not be considered
Select the field placements and clinics in which you're interested by ranking the preference of the field placement or clinic. You do not need to select a rank by every placement. Only rank those you are interested in. Selecting rank 1 indicates first choice.
Please provide a Statement of Interest as to why you chose the clinic(s) or field placement(s) indicated above.
In the Statement of Interest, please answer the following questions:
Maximum file size: 104.86MB
If and when you are accepted to participate in any field placement or clinic you will be registered for the course and will not be allowed to "drop" or otherwise withdraw from the course without faculty approval. Please consider your willingness to commit to a field placement or clinic course prior to applying. Students applying to field placements are advised that the host placement organization placement may require (1) a formal screening interview with the host placement, (2) successful completion of a background check, (3) successful completion of a drug test, and/or (4) completion of other preliminary screenings or trainings (for example, a security clearance). Students who do not successfully complete these additional placement requirements may be withdrawn from the field placement course and receive a grade of W.
I understand that my enrollment in a clinic and field placement is subject to faculty discretion. I will be registered and participate in the program for the entire semester and may not drop or otherwise withdraw from the course without faculty permission. I also understand that I may be removed and withdrawn from the course if my performance is inadequate and understand my withdrawal will result in a failing grade. I understand that if I cannot fulfill the placement requirements (screenings) I may be withdrawn from the field placement course and receive a grade of W.