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Butler Snow Access to Justice Developing Leadership Intern

2025 SUMMER INTERNSHIP Application

The ATJ Developing Leadership Intern Program is a unique opportunity for rising 2Ls to gain the insight and skills needed to become the next generation of access to justice leaders. The program will be held over a six-week period from Monday, May 12 to Friday, June 20, 2025. Interns will receive $3000 in compensation for their participation. Four students, one from each of Louisiana’s four law schools, will be selected to participate in the program. Each intern will be sponsored by a private law firm and will work with various civil legal aid and legal service programs in Louisiana. The sponsoring legal organizations are, Butler Snow, Entergy, the LSBA’s Civil Law & Litigation section, and Phelps Dunbar.

Each week the program will focus on the various civil legal needs of low-income people, the ways in which organizations within the justice community address those needs, and how these services are increasing the quality of life for those served. Interns will gain hands-on experience with Louisiana’s civil legal aid and legal services organizations including, but not limited to, interviewing clients, attending court hearings, and participating in community outreach efforts. Additionally, interns will have the opportunity to tour the Louisiana Supreme Court as well as meet appellate and trial court judges who have been actively involved in developing and supporting pro bono efforts throughout Louisiana.

Applications are due to the law schools by 5:00pm, Friday, February 14, 2025. Please contact Professor Richard M. Pittman at with any questions about the application process.

Up to five qualified candidates may be selected for interviews with the applicable sponsoring law firm.  Law school selections will be made by Friday, February 21, 2025. After the law school makes its selections, each of the applicants will then be interviewed by the sponsoring law firm. The sponsoring law firm will notify the selected applicant by Friday, March 21, 2025.

Clinic - 25 ATJ Internship

A. Applicant Information

B. Law School Information

C. Additional Materials

The following documents must be included:

Statement of Interest – A personal statement of no more than three pages indicating your reasons for applying to this program, what skills or insight you will bring to support access to justice, and what you hope to gain from your experience in the program. Please personalize your application and include experiences that you think are relevant to this program in your personal statement. If you have previously worked with a vulnerable community or public interest organization, please list the specific community or organization you served and the dates on which you worked.

Resume – A resume including college cumulative G.P.A., volunteer and pro bono activities.

First Semester Transcript – A copy of your first semester law school transcript.

Statement of Interest *

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

To help us with organizing submissions, please use filenames based on your name and the type of document.

For example: Jane-Doe-Statement.pdf

Resume incl. GPA *

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

To help us with organizing submissions, please use filenames based on your name and the type of document.

For example: John-Doe-Resume.pdf

First Semester Transcript *

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

To help us with organizing submissions, please use filenames based on your name and the type of document.

For example: Jane-Doe-Transcript.pdf

D. Acceptance of Program Rules if Selected

By my signature below, I certify that the information included in this application is true and correct and that I have completed this application to the best of my abilities. Further, by signature below, I agree to and understand the following:

  • If I am selected and accepted as a participant in the Access to Justice Developing Leadership Intern Program, I understand and agree that I have made a personal and professional commitment to participate and will not withdraw from the program without the express written permission of the Louisiana Access to Justice Program.
  • If I must withdraw from the Access to Justice Developing Leadership Intern Program, I will notify the Louisiana Access to Justice Program immediately.
  • I understand that I will be issued a 1099 at the end of the year and that the stipend I earn is considered taxable income. I am responsible for ascertaining and paying my own tax liability.
  • I understand that this internship experience is primarily for educational purposes and is designed for the benefit of the intern to experience the internship as such.
  • I understand that I am not entitled to a job at the conclusion of the internship from the sponsoring law firm or any of the legal aid provider participants.
Type your name here to indicate that you accept the above program rules
Type your name here to electronically sign the application