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Prosecution Clinic

Students must be 3Ls and have completed/passed legal professions. Students selected for the clinic will be “student attorneys” (as defined by Louisiana Supreme Court Rule XX and East Baton Rouge District Attorney office practice) and will be designated and recognized as special assistant district attorneys during the semester.

Students participate in the screening of both misdemeanor and felony files. Courtroom appearances are limited to misdemeanor prosecutions (DWI, thefts, battery, possession of CDS/paraphernalia, etc.) Students engage in pre-trial functions including, but not limited to, witness interviews, victim contact, defense negotiation, grand jury preparation, motion review, etc.

Students interact with the public, the defense bar, the court, assistant district attorneys, and law enforcement. In the past, clinic participants have been allowed to participate in or observe activities such as grand jury preparation, voir dire, research related to homicide prosecution, pre-trial evidence review, and more.

Students are required to:

  • Attend a weekend orientation related to the prosecution clinic, functions of the district attorney’s office, workplace policy, courtroom practice, governmental ethics, etc.
  • Be present in the district attorney’s office and/or court for a minimum of one [1] day per week during the semester. Students should schedule courtroom days on Monday or Tuesday.
  • Complete an academic component to the course.

On August 23, 2016, the newest group of Special Assistant District Attorneys took their oath under Rule XX.

Classroom Component:

Generally, the class portion of the prosecution clinic meets on Tuesday evenings (5-7 p.m.) in the district attorney’s office. The academic component requires the students to maintain a course journal. Classroom discussions include (but are not limited to) topics such as Brady obligations associated with prosecutions, victim impact, plea negotiations, etc. Outside guests such as detectives, defense attorneys, victim assistance coordinators, and the court may address students during classes.