Ph.D., 1974, Louisiana State University
J. D., 1974, Duke University
M.A., 1969, Louisiana State University
B.A., 1967, Louisiana State University
Contact Information
- Office: S503
- Phone: 225-578-5292
- Fax: 225-578-5937
- Email: phmarti@lsu.edu
Patrick H. Martin
Professor Patrick H. Martin published the latest updates/revisions for the two oil and gas treatises he co-authors with Professor Bruce Kramer: Pooling and Unitization and Williams & Meyers Oil and Gas Law. His other publications include three casebooks, Jurisprudence: Text and Readings on the Philosophy of Law (with Christie, 1995, 2007), Oil and Gas Cases and Materials (with Maxwell and Kramer, 1992, 1996, 2001, 2007) and Economic Regulation: Energy, Transportation and Utilities (with Pierce and Allison, 1980) as well as numerous articles on oil and gas law and energy regulation. Professor Martin is Director of the Louisiana Mineral Law Institute and edited and published two more volumes of the Mineral Law Institute Proceedings in Fall 2008. He also serves as a member of the Advisory Board, International Oil and Gas Educational Center, Center for American and International Law (formerly Southwestern Legal Foundation). He is a Trustee of the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation; Reporter for the Committee on Mineral Rights, Louisiana Law Institute; a Reporter for the Oil and Gas Reporter; and an Editorial Advisor, Public Land and Resources Law Digest. Professor Martin attended or participated in five academic conferences July 2008 through May 2009 and made presentations at each of them. He is completing (with Finnis) the biography of a Sixteenth Century English professor of philosophy at Oxford titled The Agent.
Courses Taught
Contracts, Oil and Gas Law (Mineral Rights), Jurisprudence
Selected Publications
Law Review Articles
Patrick H. Martin, The Secret Sharers: "Anthony Rivers" and the Appellant Controversy, 1602, 69 no.2 Huntington Library Quarterly 195 (2006).
Patrick Martin, Jurisprudence: Text and Readings on the Philosophy of Law (West 2007).
Patrick Martin, Oil and Gas Cases and Materials (Foundation Press 2007).
Patrick Martin, Williams & Meyers Oil and Gas Law (Matthew Bender 2007).
Patrick Martin, Pooling and Unitization (Matthew Bender 2006).