J.D., 1988, University of Colorado Law School
Boulder, Colorado
The Order of the Coif
M.S., 1985, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Champaign, Illinois
B.S., 1983, Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant Michigan
magna cum laude
Contact Information
- Office: 320
- Phone: 225-578-5292
- Fax: 225-578-5937
- Email: jchurch@lsu.edu
Additional Information
- Curriculum Vitae: Download CV (PDF)
John M. Church
Associate Professor of Law, Director of Apprenticeship Program
Prior to joining the Law Center faculty in 1991, Professor Church was an associate at the Denver law firm of Davis, Graham & Stubbs. He also clerked for Judge Robert H. McWilliams of the U.S. Tenth Circuit. He received his law degree from the University of Colorado in 1988 and has a M.S. in Economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Professor Church teaches, writes and speaks in the areas of Torts, Toxic Torts, Intellectual Property, Internet Law, Competition Law, and Law and Economics. He has served as the Law Center's representative to the Board of Governors of the Louisiana State Bar Association three times and is active in local and state bar activities. He is one of the founding board members of the Louisiana Center for Civil Justice, an organization dedicated to the provision of legal services to those in need. This past summer Professor Church directed LSU Law's summer program in Lyon, France and taught the Law of Wine.
Courses Taught
Torts, Toxic Torts, Intellectual Property, Internet Law, Law and Economics, Antitrust Law
Selected Publications
John Church, The Law of Wine: Cases and Materials (Anderson 2009-forthcoming).
John Church, Tort Law: The American and Louisiana Perspectives (Vandeplas Pub. 2008) with William R. Corbett, Thomas E. Richard, John V. White.