Christine A. Corcos
Associate Professor of Law

J.D., 1990, Case Western Reserve Law School
Cleveland Ohio
A.M.L.S., 1979, University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Graduate courses in history and political science, 1975-1976, University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
M.A., 1975, Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
B.A., 1973, the Honors College, Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
With High Honor
Contact Information
- Office: 324
- Phone: 225-578-5292
- Fax: 225-578-5937
- Email:
Additional Information
- SSRN: View on SSRN
- Curriculum Vitae: Download CV (PDF)
Professor Corcos received a bachelor's degree in history with high honors from the Honors College, and a master's degree in history, both from Michigan State University. She received the J.D. from Case Western Reserve Law School, and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi. She currently teaches in the areas of media law, entertainment law, Internet law, gender and the law, European Union law, and tort law, and researches and writes in the areas of First Amendment law, legal history, and law and popular culture. Professor Corcos is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal for the Semiotics of Law. She frequently works with the American Bar Association’s Division for Public Education to educate the public on the meaning and importance of the legal system. She is also a well known academic blogger.
Courses Taught
Entertainment Law
European Union I
Gender and the Law
Law and Society Seminar
Media Law
Media Law Seminar
Privacy Law Seminar
Theater Law
Selected Publications
Law Review Articles
Christine A. Corcos, From Agnatic Succession To Absolute Primogeniture: The Shift to Equal Rights of Succession to Thrones and Titles In the Modern European Constitutional Monarchy, 2012 Mich. St. L. Rev. 1588.
Christine A. Corcos, George Carlin, Constitutional Law Scholar, 37 Stetson L. Rev. 899 (2008) Symposium issue on Culture, Language and the First Amendment.
Christine A. Corcos, Seeing It Coming Since 1945: State Bans and regulations of "Crafty Science" Speech and Activity, 37 T. Jefferson L. Rev. 39 (2014). Symposium Issue. Full Text
Christine A. Corcos, Some Thoughts on Chuck Lorre, "Bad Words," and the "Raging Paranoia of Network Censors," 22 Regent U. L. Rev. 369 (2009/2010). Symposium Issue.
Christine A. Corcos, Visits To a Small Planet: Rights Talk In Some Science Fiction Film and Television Series From the 1950s to the 1990s, 39 Stetson L. Rev. 183 (2009) (Symposium Issue).
Christine A. Corcos, Law and Popular Culture (2d ed.; with David Ray Papke, et al., LEXIS Publishing, 2012).
Christine A. Corcos, The Law of the European Union: A New Constitutional Order (2d ed.; Carolina Academic Press, 2013. With Alain A. Levasseur, Richard Scott, Joel Moneger, and A. Raynouard.
Christine A. Corcos, Law and Magic: A Collection of Essays (Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2010). Full Text
Book Chapters and Essays
Christine A. Corcos, Damages: The Truth Is Out There, in Lawyers in Your Living Room (Michael Asimow, ed.; Chicago: ABA, 2009).
Christine A. Corcos, Magical Images in Law, in Explorations on Courtroom Discourse 131 (Anne Wagner ed., Ashgate, 2011).
Christine A. Corcos, A Man for All Reasons: The Uses of Alexis de Tocqueville's Writings in U.S. Judicial Opinions, in Liber Amicorum 481 (ed. Olivier Moréteau, Claitors, 2008).
Christine A. Corcos, "Prosecutors and Psychics On the Air: Does a "Psychic Detective Effect" Exist?" in Law and Justice On the Small Screen 173 (Jessica Silbey and Peter Robson eds.; Hart Publishing, 2012).
Book Supplements
Christine A. Corcos, Benedict on Admiralty. Deskbook Update. (2015).
Electronic Publications and Blogs
Christine A. Corcos, Concurring Opinions (guest blogger)
Christine A. Corcos, Feminist Law Professors
Christine A. Corcos, Media Law Prof Blog
Christine A. Corcos, Law & Humanities Blog
Christine A. Corcos, Law & Magic Blog
Christine A. Corcos, A Tocqueville Bibliography. Full Text
Honors & Awards
- Order of the Coif, LSU Chapter (inducted 2003)
- AALL/West Publishing Scholarship 1989
- Phi Beta Kappa (elected 1973)
- Phi Kappa Phi (elected 1973)