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Law Center Regalia Adornment Policy and Approval Request

Academic regalia for the LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center, like other U.S. law schools, includes the cap (or alternatively, a doctoral tam) and the gown, as well as a doctoral hood trimmed in purple to signify law. At LSU the hood is lined in purple and gold to represent LSU as the degree-granting institution. All students participating in the Law Center’s commencement ceremony must wear the designated academic regalia (with choice of cap or doctoral tam). In academic ceremonies, members of organizations within a university or school, or persons who have achieved certain levels of academic accomplishment, may also be able to wear stoles or cords to denote their involvement or achievement.

At the LSU Law Center, with respect to adornments or regalia indicating either organizational membership or certain designations of accomplishment, only those adornments or regalia that have been previously approved for use in the Law Center’s ceremonies may be worn during the Law Center’s academic ceremony.

Registered student organizations (RSO) or Law Center-created co-curricular organizations must seek approval as outlined below before their student members or participants may wear a collective adornment in addition to the Law Center’s approved academic regalia. It is the policy of the Law Center that RSO and co-curricular organization adornments may not be purchased with state funds, which includes (but is not limited to) the Student Bar Association fees paid by students and included on student fee bills. Adornments will not be approved for exclusive use by any organization; this means requests may be made, and approvals may be issued, for adornments whose aesthetic features overlap in part or in full.

Purple cords, gold cords, or white cords (or any combination of purple cords, gold cords, and white cords) will not be approved, since those are the designations for Latin honors at LSU (i.e., cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude). Additionally, no additional academic hoods will be approved, as Law Center graduates already receive an academic hood at the ceremony.

All requests for approval of adornments (stoles, ribbons, sashes, etc.) to be worn at the Law Center’s commencement ceremony must be submitted to the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs using the Law Center Regalia Adornment Approval Form by March 1st, and approval must be received before organizational regalia may be worn at the ceremony. Material failures to comply with the policy and approval process will result in disciplinary action under the Law Center’s Code of Student Professional Responsibility.

As adornments for the Law Center’s student organizations and co-curricular organizations are approved for wearing by members/participants at the Law Center’s commencement ceremonies, they will be listed below.

  • Kente Stoles:  The “Kente Cloth” stoles presented to graduates by the LSU African American Cultural Center for the purpose of celebrating the achievements of Black and African American students graduating from LSU.  Graduating members of the Law Center’s Black Law Students Association will wear Kente Stoles that include the Scales of Justice with the phrases Class of 2024 and Juris Doctor signifying their connection to BLSA and the Law Center’s Class of 2024.
  • Office of Engagement & Impact Stoles:  Stoles provided by the LSU Office of Engagement & Impact to celebrate the achievements of students graduating from LSU who identify as Latinx/Hispanic/Latin American, Native American, Asian/Asian American, and Pacific Islander.
  • Lavender Cords:  The lavender cords presented to graduates at the annual Lavender Graduation Ceremony by the LSU LGBTQ+ Center in honor of the academic achievements of graduating LGBTQ+ and allied students.
  • Pink Cords:  The pink cords are presented to graduating members of the Law Center’s Women Law Student Association to celebrate the achievements of women, non-binary, and ally members graduating from LSU Law.
  • Kelly Green & White Intertwined Cords:  The green and white cords are presented to officers of the Environmental Law Society to acknowledge their leadership and achievements in the study of Environmental Law.
  • Silver Cords:  The silver cord commemorates a student’s service, dedication, and commitment to the LSU Law Center’s student body as an officer of the Law Center’s Student Bar Association.
  • Charcoal, Silver, & Blue Cords:  Graduating students that are good standing members of the LSU Law Center’s Board of Advocates will wear the cord.
  • Red, White and Blue Cords:  The red, white, and blue cords are presented to students holding a veteran, active duty, or reservist status in the military, as well as those holding a commission for a Military Judge Advocate General Corps.
  • Light Blue & White Cords:  The light blue & white cords are presented to graduating members of the LSU Law Center’s Public Interest Law Society to acknowledge their significant contributions to the Louisiana community with a focus on low-income and marginalized demographics.
  • Royal Blue Cords:  The solid blue cords are presented to graduating members of the LSU Law Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.  The blue cord represents the colors of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and is also recognized as the universal color of justice.
  • Orange & White Cords:  The orange and white cords are presented to members of the graduating class that have served the Law Center’s Office of Admissions as Student Ambassadors.
  • Louisiana Law Review Stole:  The Louisiana Law Review Stole is presented to the Louisiana Law Review’s Board of Editors, Senior Associates, and graduating Junior Associates to honor their furtherance of legal scholarship during law school through intensive legal research, analysis, and writing.
  • LSU Journal of Energy Law & Resources Stole:  White and hunter green stoles are worn by graduating students who have been members of the journal, signifying their contribution to the journal as either a Junior Associate, Senior Associate or executive board member during their third year of law school.
  • LSU Law Journal for Social Justice & Policy Stole:  The LSU Law Journal for Social Justice & Policy’s stole represents membership and leadership in the journal throughout a student’s time at LSU Law.