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50-Year Reunion for Class of 1970LSULAW2015-038

Join us for Your Golden Graduate Commencement Ceremony on Friday, May 15, 2020, 5:00 p.m., Pete Maravich Assembly Center. 

As a “Golden Grad,” we hope that you will participate in our 2020 Commencement Exercises. LSU Law will provide you with a cap and gown for your walk into the Pete Maravich Assembly Center along with this year’s LSU Law graduates (walking is optional, but encouraged).  The ceremony will last approximately two hours.

Participants will gather at the Lod Cook Conference Center, and then a shuttle will take you and your guests to and from the PMAC.

Plans are also underway for a luncheon with your classmates for earlier in the day. You’ll be joined by this year’s Les Avocats (graduates of 51 years or better) at the Lod Cook Alumni Center in the Noland/Laborde Ballroom for what is always a great gathering — full of wonderful tales of law school years.

More information is forthcoming soon.

For information and to RSVP: 225-578-0733