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The Tucker Lecture Series

Once a year, a most distinguished scholar is invited to give a lecture on a civil law topic. This lecture series is given in recognition of Colonel Tucker’s civil law scholarship, and in appreciation of his long career dedicated to law reform.

Colonel John H. Tucker, jr., was one of Louisiana’s foremost legal scholars and distinguished citizens. He served the bar of Louisiana with great ability for many years, both through the bar association and as chairman of the Louisiana State Law Institute. His writings in legal periodicals did much to illuminate the history and present-day viability of our civilian system. Colonel Tucker wrote that the civil law “produced and developed by the learning, philosophy, and character of great jurists and scholars,” is built upon foundations that are “indestructible because its precepts are moral and equitable.” He also noted that “the civil law that commenced with the Twelve Tables in Rome and reached its apogee in the Code Napoleon…is a valid and pervasive force in a great part of the modern world.”

2024 Professor Frederique Ferrand (February 6, 2024)

For more information on lectures in the Tucker series, please click on the links below.