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The Center for Civil Law Studies of the LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center presents the 32nd John H. Tucker, jr. Lecture in Civil Law

Professor Alan Watson
(University of Georgia)
The Great Paradox: Romans Not a Law-driven People
(Essays in Honor of Saúl Litvinoff at 343)

Alan Watson (William Alexander Jardine Watson) grew up in Scotland and received his M.A. (1954) and LL.B (1957) from the University of Glasgow. In 1957, he was appointed lecturer in law at Wadham College, Oxford, and in 1959 law fellow (with tenure) at Oriel College, Oxford. He received his D. Phil. (1960) and D.C.L. (1973) from Oxford. He became Douglas Professor of Civil Law at Glasgow (1965) moved to the similar chairs at Edinburgh, subsequently to the University of Pennsylvania, and is currently Distinguished Research Professor at the University of Georgia. He holds five honorary doctorates; from Glasgow, Edinburgh, Pretoria, Palermo, and Belgrade; and is a corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

He has published numerous articles and books, some in translation. Books include a five volume series, The Law in the Later Roman Republic (1965-1974), Legal Transplants, An Approach to Comparative Law (1974), The Making of Civil Law (1981), Slave Law in the Americas (1989), Roman Law and Comparative Law (1991), The Spirit of Roman Law (1995), Jesus and the Jews (1995), The Evolution of Western Private Law (2001), Legal History and a Common Law for Europe, (2001); and, as editor of translation, The Digest of Justinian, 4 volumes (1985). The Shame of American Legal Education should appear in February, 2005).

Professor Watson has been Visiting Professor or Guest Lecturer at various Universities around the world, such as Oxford, Palermo, Bologna, Ferrara, the Netherlands Antilles, Cape Town, Michigan, Virginia, Tulane, and others.


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