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The Civil Law Workshop

General Presentation

In September 2006, the Center of Civil Law Studies inaugurated a Civil Law Workshop, operating on a monthly basis and addressing a broad theme over a period of one academic year.


The workshop aims at promoting reflection on large legal and societal issues in an interdisciplinary manner. The starting point will be a civilian concept, doctrine or category, obviously connected to or impacting the development of mankind and changes in our earthly environment. Rather than deconstructing legal concepts or looking at them as purely instrumental, the workshop encourages non-technical debates addressing the underlying values and ends of the examined notions.

Working Method

On each yearly theme, seven or more contributors are invited to present papers. There will be at least seven monthly sessions, one per paper. These are open and informal sessions, with a forty-minute presentation followed with a forty-five-minute discussion and debate. The collection of the papers is later to be published in the Journal of Civi Law Studies, with a general introduction and conclusions.


The LSU civil law faculty is intended to contribute significantly in presenting and discussing papers, with the participation of the common law faculty, guest speakers and visiting faculty, for a fully informed exchange and bijural approach. Presentations by non-lawyers inside and outside the LSU community will be actively solicited, so that we may benefit from the viewpoints of anthropologists, biologists, economists, historians, linguists, philosophers, physicians, sociologists, theologians, to name but a few. Sessions are open to students and all other interested parties.