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Job Postings

We have automated our job posting process, and we would like to invite you to post your law clerk / attorney openings to the LSU Job Bank.

This is the quickest, easiest way to reach LSU law students, alumni and new graduates!

To sign up for a new Symplicity account:

  1. Login to
  2. Click on “Register and Post Free Local Job”
  3. Fill in all Profile information
  4.  Fill in all Job Post information
  5. Click “Done”

You will receive a confirmation email when your registration and posting are approved. We look forward to assisting you. Please let me know if you have any further questions.


If you are already registered and have a Symplicity account, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to “Post a Job” on your home page
  2. Input the Job Details
  3. Input Primary Job Contact
  4. Input Job Dates (when students can apply for the position)
  5. Input Who Can Apply (1L, 2L, 3L, alumni, etc.)
  6. Select Application Methods:
    • Apply via This Site – This should be set to “NO” to ensure that students can and should only apply through an external website or via email.
    • Apply via External Website – This should be set to “YES” if you want students to apply directly on a specific website. You provide an external URL and Job ID.
    • Apply via Email – This should be set to “YES” if you would like students to send their application materials to an email address directly.
  7. Select Application Documents Required
  8. Click “Submit for Approval”

The submitted job posting will be subject to LSU Law’s approval before it is made officially available to interested students and applicants.  After your posting is approved, applicants will be prompted to directly submit their application materials to the URL and/or email address provided by your organization.

If you are interested in exploring other options to assist your firm with recruiting initiatives, please contact the Career Services Office (225-578-8787) to speak with one of our representatives.  There are many ways that you can get involved with the law center to meet students who might be your future employee!

We look forward to assisting you!