Student Profile
Michelle Shamblin
Class of 2009
LSU Law Student
Background: Received bachelor’s degree in history (with an English minor) from Louisiana College in Pineville, Louisiana; graduated with a 4.0 gpa; worked in college for the U.S. Marshals Service Special Operations Group in a clerical/accounting role; coached little league basketball; directed several children’s musical productions, and sang as a soloist and music team member at various churches and events throughout the state; member of the Louisiana Law Review; received the Vinson and Elkins Outstanding Case Note or Comment Award for Excellence in Legal Writing; member of LSU’s National Moot Court Team and American Association for Justice Trial Advocacy Team; named to Chancellor’s List every semester; and received the CALI award on several occasions.
Why Law School: A variety of reasons! 1) People always said I should be a lawyer, 2) Aptitude tests said I should be a lawyer, 3) Verbal and written communication is my strength, 4) You can do lots of different things with a law degree, and 5) Lawyers have tremendous ability to be agents of justice.
Why LSU Law: I applied to eight different law schools, but only one in my home state-LSU. In the end, it came down to both financial aid and the fact that I couldn’t rule out the possibility of practicing in Louisiana. An LSU Law degree prepares you to practice anywhere, but an out-of-state law degree doesn’t prepare you to practice in Louisiana.
The Faculty: As a person who sends my professors a barrage of emails and schedules my fair share of office visits (especially around finals time), I feel highly qualified to say that the doors of the faculty are largely open and that they want to do what they can to help you learn the material. I’ve also found that they are highly competent with regard to the subject matter they teach and many have lots of practical insight to offer as well. They’re also extremely good sports when it comes to Assault and Flattery!
The Curriculum: I feel prepared to match my academic preparation against any other common law-educated law students, plus handle myself competently with regard to civil law and comparative issues. LSU meets and exceeds the curriculum of competitors.
Future Goals: I’ll be clerking for Chief Judge Edith Jones of the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals for a year after law school. After that, I’m open to private practice-doing trial and appellate work-but I’m also interested in working for the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the American Center for Law and Justice, and maybe one day becoming a federal judge. I’m also interested in teaching on the law school level. I sound like the kid who wants to be a doctor, teacher, policeman, AND astronaut when she grows up, but hey, the sky is the limit!
Just for Fun: I spend time with family and friends as much as possible. I love to work out, find great bargains while shopping, sing, discuss politics, and eat (lots!). I also enjoy movies and reading non-law related books!