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Memorial/In Honor Gifts

Give to LSU Law!

Thank you for considering a gift to support the LSU Law Center as a way to honor a family member, colleague, or others.  You may make a gift to LSU Law in memory of a person or to honor a living person.

The LSU Law Center will notify the person or a relative that you have made a gift.  We ask that you please provide LSU Law with the name and the address of the person(s) you want notified.

The Law Center will also provide your address to the person or family of those you have chosen to honor.  We do not reveal the amount of your gift.

You may direct your gift to an existing named scholarship or professorship, or you may simply provide a gift to be used “for greatest need of the Law Center.”  You might also wish to provide support for a particular program or to the Annual Fund/Chancellor’s Council.  If you do not specify a fund or purpose, your gift will be placed in the Annual Fund and used for general support.

Checks may be payable to the LSU FOUNDATION, with LSU Law Center in the notation line.

Mail to:

Office of Alumni Relations
LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center
110 Student Union Bldg.
Baton Rouge, LA  70803-0106

Be sure to enclose a note that tells us who you are honoring and who we should notify or, download a form to send along with your gift.

You may also make a memorial/in honor gift online via the secure LSU Foundation website. Complete the donor information, specify the Law Center as the beneficiary unit, and select “yes” for “is this a memorial/honorarium contribution?”  Then fill in the information about your honoree and the person(s) you want us to notify.