This fund was created by the friends and family of Edwin Wyatt “Ed” Fleshman in his memory.
Ed Fleshman was a 1978 cum laude graduate of LSU in finance and a 1981 graduate of LSU Law, where he was a member of the Order of the Coif and the Law Review. After clerking for Supreme Court Justice Walter F. Marcus, in 1982 he entered the private practice of law with Taylor, Porter, Brooks & Phillips, L.L.P. where he practiced until his death in January of 2008.
Brilliant and witty, Ed’s deep compassion for the less fortunate was his most enduring quality. He never refused to handle a case for a person who could not afford to pay for his services. Despite the personal consequences of taking on so many people’s problems, Ed continued to believe that people were more important than money.
It is this quality of Ed’s that his friends and family hope to honor perpetually by having a scholarship given to a law student who is in need of financial assistance, and who may in return, help others as well.
The scholarship will be awarded to an upperclassman based on academic performance and demonstrated financial need.