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Transfer Admission

The Law Center accepts transfer applications from students who have satisfactorily completed the first full year curriculum at a law school accredited by the American Bar Association.


A student in good standing, after completing the full, first year curriculum at an ABA accredited law school, who wishes to apply as a transfer student must submit the following information:

  1. A complete application with the $50 application fee (nonrefundable).  The fall 2025 transfer application opens May 1 and the deadline is July 1.  
  2. Each applicant is required to submit a personal statement. The personal statement is an opportunity to share your voice, perspective, and values.
  3. All applicants must submit a Why LSU statement.  In this statement you will describe how your goals overlap with LSU Law’s mission and why you believe LSU Law, specifically, would be a good place for you to pursue your legal education. Additionally, this statement should set out the reasons underlying this request to transfer to LSU Law. Your response to this inquiry is required for completion of your application.
  4. Applicants are required to submit two letters of recommendation.  Letters from law professors that have taught you and have personal knowledge of your academic abilities and aptitude for the study of law are recommended.  Applicants are strongly encouraged to avoid submitting personal letters of recommendation.
  5. Applicants must request that official transcripts of all work (undergraduate, graduate, and law) undertaken be sent directly to the Credential Assembly Service (CAS) of LSAC.
  6. Applicants must have a current LSAT/CAS record.
  7. A letter of good academic standing which includes the applicant’s class rank, must be submitted from each law school attended.


The LSU Law Center accepts transfer applications from students that have satisfactorily completed the full first year curriculum at a law school accredited by the American Bar Association.  A maximum of 32 credits may be accepted for transfer (there are no exceptions to this policy).  Credit only (not grades) are transferable.  Students can earn the award of transfer credit only for courses in which they earned a grade equal to or better than a “C”, a 2.0, or the equivalent of a “C” or a 2.0.  Students with pass/fail or pass/no credit grades due to COVID-19 are welcome to apply.  The Law Center reserves the right to refuse credit, in whole or in part, and to withdraw credit for previously completed courses. Transfer students must provide a statement from the dean of the current law school certifying that the applicant is in good standing and eligible for continued enrollment at that school. Petitions for admission with advanced standing are considered by the Admissions Committee. Prospective transfer students who are denied admission are encouraged to apply as nonmatriculating students, as admission as a nonmatriculating student is partly based on approval by the student’s dean. Students are not admitted with advanced standing for the summer term.

Transfer applicants should submit a completed application and the $50 application fee by the aforementioned deadlines.  A petition stating the reasons underlying the transfer request and letters of recommendation must be included with any additional supporting documents. Students must include a resumé. Transfer applicants should request that official transcripts of all work (undergraduate, graduate, and law) be sent directly to the Credential Assembly Service (CAS) of LSAC. A letter of good standing must be submitted from each law school attended. Applicants should also send a current LSAT/CAS report.