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Nonmatriculating Admission

Students from other law schools may petition for admission as a non-matriculating student or summer-only applicant.   Petitions are granted with the stipulation that credit earned during this enrollment cannot be applied toward a degree from the Law Center in the event the non-matriculating student later matriculates.


An application for nonmatriculating admission should be completed by a student who is currently enrolled in a law school and wishes to enroll at the LSU Law Center for a semester or year as a visiting student. Credit earned as a visiting student cannot be applied toward a degree at the LSU Law Center. Applicants for nonmatriculating admission must submit the following:

  1. Submit a complete application with the $50 application fee (nonrefundable). The deadline to apply for nonmatriculating admission for the fall semester is July 1.
  2. A petition setting out the reasons underlying the request to visit the LSU Law Center must be submitted along with any additional supporting documents. Applicants are encouraged to submit a personal resumé in addition to this information.
  3. The applicant must submit proof of enrollment from the dean of the current law school. This letter must certify permission for the applicant to attend as a nonmatriculating student.
  4. The applicant must arrange for the submission of an official transcript from the current law school. The transcript should be sent to the Credential Assembly Service (CAS) of LSAC.


An applicant interested in attending LSU Law as a visiting student for one or two semesters should submit a nonmatriculating student application. A letter of good standing must be submitted by the dean of the law school the applicant is currently attending certifying that the student has permission to enroll at the LSU Law Center. The applicant must also submit a petition outlining the reasons for the request to enroll as a visiting student as well as an official law school transcript. The deadline to apply for admission as a visiting student for the fall semester is July 1. Credit earned as a visiting student cannot be applied toward a degree at the LSU Law Center.