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Student Profile

"I was happily surprised to learn that LSU Law embraced the ideals of southern hospitality. It is a very friendly environment where students, faculty, and staff are eager to assist each other. This attitude of concern and hospitality for others has made the LSU Law Center experience one that I will remember fondly."

Megan LeBato

Class of 2009

LSU Law Student

Background: Received bachelor’s degree in sociology from Centenary College of Louisiana in Shreveport, Louisiana; LSU Law Ambassador; research assistant for Professor Randall J. Trahan; Baton Rouge City Court Law Clerk for Judge Suzan Ponder.

Why Law School: I decided to go to law school because I believe that the legal system greatly contributes to the everyday lives of people. I also believe that those working in the legal system can make vast differences in the world around them.

Why LSU Law: I decided to go to LSU Law because I knew I wanted to practice in Louisiana. Having made that decision, I knew LSU Law would offer me the greatest chance at success in the Louisiana legal profession. Also, having worked in legal offices prior to law school, I knew that LSU Law had a very strong alumni base in Louisiana which I felt would be of great assistance during and after law school.

The Faculty: The LSU Law faculty members are great. The professors are very knowledgeable about the material enabling students to fully understand the law. They are extremely approachable and friendly. I have always felt comfort in the fact that they are more than willing to talk outside of class. It’s nice to know that your professors truly want you to excel.

The Curriculum: The curriculum at LSU Law is unique. You are required to study both civil and common law systems. Study of both systems is extremely helpful for students expecting to practice in Louisiana. However, even for those deciding to go outside of the state, studying both systems helps a person fully understand the distinctions within the two systems.

Future Goals: After graduation, I will be an associate with a general civil defense firm in Shreveport, Louisiana. Ultimately, I would love to be a judge, although I have not decided at which level. Only time will tell.

Just for Fun: LSU Football games, concerts, shopping, weekend trips with friends, movie nights, and hanging out with friends.
